Showertime & Curls|Beomgyu🧡

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Each chapter with a 🧡 is a ABMW

"Ahh," I moaned I felt the cold water hit my face and neck.  I massaged my scalp and ran my finger through my hair as it started to get curly again.  The water was starting to warm up and it felt nice standing under it.
    I grabbed the shampoo and squeezed a generous amount in my hand before I massaged it into my hair.  My hair was already curly and it was getting a little harder to run my finger through it, but I still managed.
  I was massaging the shampoo in my hair when I heard a knock on the bathroom door. I sighed and shut off the water and peeked out of the shower.  "Yes?" I asked as I wiped the water off of my face.
"It's, Beomgyu, can I come in?" He asked. "Yeah sure," I said closing the curtain back up. I heard the door open and close followed by the sound of footsteps.
  "What do you need, Gyu?" I asked turning the water back on. "Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you," He said. I chuckled as I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair. "You couldn't have waited till I got out of the shower? And had clothes on?"
  "I was bored, plus your body is beautiful so I don't care if you're naked or not," He said. I smiled and shook my head as I massaged conditioner in my hair.
  "Aren't the boys gonna start looking for you?" I asked as I rinsed the conditioner out. "No, they're in the living room watching a movie," Beomgyu said.  I turned off the water and shook the excess water out ofy hair.
"Close you eyes," I said as I opened the shower curtain. I looked at, Gyu to see him sitting on the toilet with his hands over his eyes.  I smiled and grabbed my towel from the rack and wrapped it around my body.
  "You can open them now," I said as I gave him a kiss on the forehead. He uncovered his eyes and looked at me with a big smile on his face. "Your curls look so pretty," He gushed as he touched them. I chuckled and looked in the mirror.
"I need to part them," I said opening the drawer. I pulled out a big tooth comb and made a side part and fluffed my hair a bit. Beomgyu gave me a behind hug and looked at me in the mirror.
  "How should I do my hair this time? Should I straighten it again, braid it, twist it, or leave it," I asked looking at us in the slightly fogged mirror.  "You should leave it, you look cute with your curls," he smiled as he pecked my cheek. Beomgyu had always liked my curls, and he liked I when I left them alone.
  "Natural curls it is," I smiled as I put my hands over his. He smiled as he nudged his forehead into my neck. "Gyu, let me get dressed," I chuckled. "Fine,"

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