Let Me In ²|Soobin

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He stayed in, Y/n's arms until his tears dried out and he was just sniffling. Y/n's shirt was drenched with all of his tears, but she didn't care. She continued to run his back and whisper sweet nothings in his ear.

Once he fell asleep, Y/n got up and took off her wet shirt and put on one of his hoodies. She tidied up around his room and put everything back in it's place, so Soobin could wake up to a neat room to lift his spirits.

Once she finished everything she went to his nightstand to clean it up, when she noticed his phone open. Her curiosity got the best of her and she picked it up to see what he was looking at last.

His phone was opened up to bunch of hate comments of him and malicious words to him and his members. Y/n sighed and turned off his phone. Her poor boyfriend was getting undeserved hate and he broke from their mean words.

She watched him sleep and pet his hair. She grabbed a pen and a post it note  from his desk and wrote him a note to wake up to.

"I'm in the living room with the others, text me when you wake up, and you better eat that bun."

She placed the note on his nightstand next to the bun from earlier, and kissed, Soobin on the cheek. She made her way to the living room with the others and sat down on the couch. All the boys looked at her, waiting for her to give an update on their leader.

"He saw hate comments, and they got to him. He'll be okay," She assured with a sad smile on her face. The boys sighed and Yeonjun bit his lip in slight anger. He wasn't angry with, Soobin, but at the people who thought it was okay to leave such hurtful things to hurt his feelings. "He's asleep right now though, so I let him rest," The others nodded and went back to their activities.

"Hey, Y/n you want some chicken feet? I'm heating some up, we also have dumpling," Taehyun said as he pulled out a take out box from the fridge. "Yeah, sounds good," Taehyun nodded and closed the fridge, and began to prepare the food for him and everyone else. 

Y/nbs phone went off taking her attention away from the TV. It was a text from, Soobin saying that he was up and that he'd join her in the living room in a few minutes.  Y/n sent him a simple response and went back to watching TV. A few minutes later she heard the door to his room open and close, with the sound of shuffling after it. Y/n looked up to see her tall boyfriend standing in the living room with his glasses on.

He sat at her feet and laid his head in her lap. "Sleep well, Soobs?"  He nodded and closed his eyes. He didn't say too much and just rested on her lap. Taehyun brought, Y/n her food, and she shifted which caused, Soobin to groan in annoyance. "Babe, you want some of my chicken feet and dumplings?"  He lifted up his head and opened his mouth.

Y/n fed him half a chickens foot and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
She could tell, Soobin was feeling better and she was glad her boyfriend knew that he had people who cared about him.

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