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"Did he end up coming?" Gina asked as she peeked her head out if the curtains with, Y/n.  "Yes, and he brought his members!"
Y/n smiled as she watched her boyfriend in the crowd. All of her nerves were slightly calmed down now that she saw her boyfriend and parents came to support her.

"Girls come over here! We need to final dress and hair checks before you go on stage," The director shouted as she signaled everyone to go to her.

Y/n hurried to the director for her dress and hair.  Meanwhile in the crowd of people, Hueningkai sat with his other members excited to see his girlfriend dance for the first time. She had always told him about Baile folklórico, but he never saw her dance it.

He had done some research a couple days before and he was absolutely memorized by all the colors and pretty patterns of the dresses, and the music was catchy and fun to listen to. His members knew what, Y/n did, but they didn't fully understand it.

The boys waited for the performance to start, but Kai could barely keep his excitement to himself. "When does the performance start again?" Beomgyu asked his other members. Yeonjun checked the pamphlet the were given at the door. "Starts at, 7, so it should start in a bit," 

"What group is, Y/n in again?" Soobin asked as he looked through the pamphlet. "She's in the 2nd group, so she'll be going on at 7:30," Kai said looking at his members. They all nodded and watched the stage. It was currently 6:50  and, Y/n and her crew mates were currently practicing their steps just to make sure they wouldn't mess up on stage.

"Places everyone!" The director shouted as she signaled everyone over. Y/n stoped practicing and hurried to director and got in her group of dancers. "Okay everyone, I'm going to go on first and do the greetings and everything, then, Paola's group, then, Y/n's, then, Harley's.  Got it?" The director explained.

Everyone nodded in understanding. "Okay, let's get this started!" She smiled before she walked on stage to greet everyone. Once she walked on stage, Kai instantly sat up and watched. Once she was done with the greetings she walked off and the lights dimmed, making the whole auditorium pitch black.

Once the lights came back on, the first group was on stage and in their positions. Everyone in the auditorium was quiet, except some of the smaller children who would shout out sometimes.
The music started to blast on the speakers and the dancers began to sway their dresses and dance to the song.

Kai and his members were instantly hypnotized by the colors and the moments of the dancers and the sounds of their heels clicking the floor. They would make these yelling like noises and sometimes the people in the crowd did it too.

The boys didn't know why they were doing that, but they thought it was cool that they had good control of their voice to do that.
The music came to an end and the lights dimmed again for a quick moment. Once the lights turned on again the girls were now joined with a dance partner who stood behind them.

The next song started and they started to dance again. The boys Continued to watch, while, Y/n was still in the back practicing her dances.

Once the first group had performed, Y/n quickly took her place behind the curtains and waited for her cue to go.  The lights had dimmed once again, and it was now quiet. Y/n took a breath before she walked on stage and got in her position.

The lights turned on, temporarily blinding, Y/n. She couldn't see into crowd very well, but she could faintly make out, Kai's face.
She smiled and stayed still untill the music started. One of the girls let out a loud grito, as the music started.

Y/n swayed her dress as she began to dance. Her and her dancers changed positions as they danced all over the stage in unison. Y/n let out a grito, which left, Kai and the members in awe.  Y/n continued to dance as the music played and her fellow dancers let out their grito's.

Once the music stopped they lights dimmed and, Y/n was joined on staged with her partner. The lights turned on, but this time instead of their original orange or green hue they were now blue.  The music started, it was a slow song.
Y/n started to sway her dress and dance as her parents swayed behind her.

Her partner switched to another girl, and was replaced with another one. She spun and continued to dance. Once the song ended, the crowd erupted into applause. Y/n could see The boys giving her a standing ovation, making her giggle and smile more.

Once the whole performance had ended, Y/n met up with her parents to tell them she was going to go say hi to the boys. Kai, and the others waited in the lobby of the auditorium for, Y/n.

"Y/n!" Soobin exclaimed as he gave his friend a hug. "Wow, Y/n you did great! That was so cool!" Beomgyu smiled as he gave her a hug. Y/n chuckled and thanked him before giving, Yeonjun and Taehyun a hug. "Kai I'm so glad you came," Y/n said embracing her boyfriend in a tight hug.

Kai smiled and placed a kiss on her head as he hugged her back. "It was awesome, I loved all the colors and the music was fun. Even the noises you guys made were cool!" Y/n blushed at her boyfriend's interest in her culture.

"Those are grito's, I'll teach you how to do it one day," Y/n promised. Kai nodded and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Sounds like a deal, and your mom can make those tacos I like," Y/n chuckled and nodded.

"Sounds like a date!"

(This one is for all my Hispanic readers. I hope I was able to portray, Baile folklórico properly. I went based of of my memory from being in it. If there are any changes I should make, Let me know!)

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