Eat with us!|Yeonjun 🧡

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"Oh come on babe, stay for dinner," I pleaded as he walked me to my door. "I don't want intrude," He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Nonsense! You know my mom and dad love you, plus we're having ceviche tonight," I slightly nudging his shoulder. His face instantly lit up as soon as mentioned the dish.

"Fine I'll stay," he caved in. "Only if your parents are okay with it!" He said. I nodded and grabbed my keys.  I unlocked the door and walked inside.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I shouted kicking of my shoes. "Hi, mija, you're just in time for dinner!" Mom smiled as she walked into the living room. "Do you mind if, Yeonjun joins us?"

"No, not at all! He's always welcome! Come on in, Mijo," She smiled signaling for him to come in. He hesitantly walked in, "Are you sure, Mrs. L/n? I don't want to intrude," He asked.

"No, you're never intruding! Come on, dad's waiting," She said as she walked back into to the dining room.  "See I told," I said playfully slapping, Yeonjun's arm.

We walked into the dining room , to see everyone sitting down and serving themselves. "Yeonjun that new hair color looks good on you, very vibrate," Mom complimented as she handed him the tostada shells.

"Thank you, Mrs. L/n," He smiled as he served himself. "So what'd you two do today?" Dad asked serving himself rice. "We went by the studio for a bit, then we went to the dorms," I said as I chewed.

"Y/n, don't talk with your mouth full," Mom lightly scolded. Yeonjun chuckled, earning a kick under the table. "What do you plan doing for the rest of the night?" Dad asked as he stuffed his face with a ceviche tostada.

"We're probably gonna go back to the dorms and hang out with my members," Yeonjun answered. "Y/n, don't forget, grandma is coming over tomorrow," Mom reminded as she continued to eat.

I nodded and went back to eating. We were all quiet for the most part, as we are and listened to the TV. 

That was really good ma," I said getting up from the table. "Yes, it was delicious," Yeonjun sighed as he got up. "I'm glad you two liked it. Let me pack some for your members, Jun," Mom said getting up from the table.

We put our plates up, and waited for mom to finish fixing plates. "Okay here you go, Mija," she said handing me a plastic bag. "Be careful, so it doesn't leak," She said lifting the bag up in my hands. "I got it mom," I reassured. "Okay, I put some, some tostada's, and a couple of avocados," She explained pointing to the bag of food.

"Thank you mama, it was delicious as always," I said kissing her on the cheek. "Bye, guys I'll see you later," She said kissing my cheek and patting, Yeonjun's shoulder.  "Bye, Mr. and  Mrs. L/n," Yeonjun said as he opened the door.

We walked outside and made our way back to the car. "See what'd I tell you," I smiled as I opened the door. 

"You better come next dinner too,"

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