Do I Still give you butterflies?

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This was requested by: @anveyya

You ask the members, "Do I still give you butterflies?"


At first he was confusee by your question, so his hesitation made you feel insecure

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At first he was confusee by your question, so his hesitation made you feel insecure. Once he finally understood what you meant he didn't hesitate to tell you how you made him feel. "I feel like a highschooler who saw their crush for the first time everytime I see you,"


He quickly shut you up with a kiss when you asked him the question

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He quickly shut you up with a kiss when you asked him the question. He was confused on where this sudden question came from, but let you know his feelings right away. "I don't even want to hear it. You give me more that butterflies, Y/n,"


He questioned you with a stupid question when you asked him the question

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He questioned you with a stupid question when you asked him the question. You were confused at first, but Beomgyu just scolded you. "You don't like when I ask you a stupid question, hm?"


He listed all the things you made him feel when he saw you

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He listed all the things you made him feel when he saw you. He didn't hesitate to tell you everything you did that made him happy. "Why would you ask that? Of course you give me butterflies when I see you. Have you looked in the mirror lately?"


When you asked him this question he got shy, and was scared to tell you that you indeed have him butterflies

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When you asked him this question he got shy, and was scared to tell you that you indeed have him butterflies. In fact everytime he saw you he got shy because he couldn't help but feel giddy and flustered when he saw you. "I mena yeah you give me butterflies, but not in like a bad way you know? Like Everytime I see you I feel a pit in my stomach. Not in a bad way!"

(I hoped you liked this! Please remember myt requests are still open and i will gladly write them for you🖤)

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