Curly Haired and Short Tempered

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I walked through the house, the aroma of Liam still lingering in the air. I sighed deeply and waited for Harry to come downstairs. "Babe?," I asked from the bottom of the steps. When there wasn't an answer after 5 minutes, I took it upon myself to go upstairs and find him.

"Harry?," I asked, looking around in our room. "Babe, I'm in the shower," his husky voice rang from the bathroom. I let out a grown and fell back onto our bed, looking at my phone. I grabbed a chocolate bar that Harry had bought me yesterday and ate it as I waited for him to leave the bathroom.

"Finally," I said gleefully as he exited the bathroom and swooped me up and into his arms. "I love you," he whispered in my ears, sending chills down my spine. I kissed his cheek and then his lips softly, "I love you more." "Impossible," he muttered, kissing my nose playfully.

I smiled and tugged him downstairs with me. "What do you want to do today?," he asked, looking at the clock. It was Christmas Eve, one of the happiest days of the year. "Jenny and Zayn invited us over for Christmas dinner, do you want to go?," I asked, looking deeply into his eyes.

"Absolutely! I bought them all presents, so I'll just give it to them today," he said with a smile. I smiled back, "No gifts for me?" "That's for tomorrow," he responded immediately. I smirked and grabbed my presents that I had bought for Lissa and Jenny, even if Lissa and I weren't on good terms.

After arriving at Jenny and Zayn's place, Harry and I placed the presents under their tree. "Thanks for inviting us," I said, pulling Jenny into a hug. She smiled at me, "You're my best friend! Of course I invited you!" Zayn and Harry had a 'bromance' moment before we all sat at the dinner table.

"Where's Liam?," someone asked, making me cringe. I didn't know that he was coming. Harry looked me in the eyes and rubbed my thigh underneath the table, "It'll be okay," he whispered gently. I nodded and choked back the tears that were welling up inside.

I sighed a deep sigh before someone walked through the front door. My body froze and I could feel my lips quiver. "Merry Christmas!," an extremely familiar voice bellowed from the front door. I sighed and grasped Harry's hand tightly.

There wasn't just one pair of feet, there were two. I could tell by the pitter patter of feet. "Hey, I'm Allison," a girl said, introducing herself to Jenny and Zayn. I cringed. That was her. The girl that Liam was texting about me with.

I wanted to stand up and punch her in the face, but that would give Liam the benefit of knowing that it bothered me. I saw a flash of brunette hair come from the doorway right before I looked down at my phone, trying my hardest to avoid eye contact.

"Hey everyone," Liam's voice bellowed again. "I'm Allison and this is Mackenzie," she said, pointing to the girl that I had met the same day that Liam and I broke up. "And Mackenzie is...," Niall began. "Our daughter," Allison said, leaning up and kissing Liam's nose.

"Excuse me...," I said, standing up and walking into the bathroom. There was a knock at the door about 10 seconds after I arrived in there. "Nik, it's me," Harry's voice rang from outside of the door. I let him in and cried in his chest, smearing all of my makeup.

"I knew this was a mistake," I kept repeating over and over.

"He's an asshole," Harry said, trying to calm me down.

"He brought his kid!"

"And that was wrong," Harry said, pulling me off of his chest and looking me in the eyes. "I hate him," I said, my face turning a bright shade of red with anger. "I know and I'm not too fond of him either. Nobody has the right to just go out and hurt someone like that," Harry said, kissing my forehead.

I sighed deeply, "I want to go home." "That just makes him win," Harry said, looking me deeply in the eyes. "I know, but I can't sit through an entire dinner with him and her and their ugly kid," I said. "The kid has nothing to do with this, don't take your anger out on her," Harry said.

"Fine. She's actually really pretty, but I still hate the fact that she isn't mine. Liam already has 2 kids at home that love him, why did he need another?," I asked. "Well, technically...Mackenzie was born before your kids," Harry said, trying to look smart.

I groaned, "Shut up." He sighed and hugged me close once more before we left the bathroom and went back into the kitchen. "Nice of you to join us," Liam said blankly, making me clench my teeth. I sat down next to Harry and decided to play a little game.

Once everyone was finished eating, I hopped onto Harry's lap and began kissing him passionately. I knew this would piss Liam off, which was all the more reason to do it. Harry's hands explored my body and once I felt that we should break away, we did.

"That was rude," Liam groaned. "Oh really? And getting another girl pregnant and not telling your wife about it isn't?," I shot back. "I DIDN'T KNOW!," he increased his volume. I stood up and walked right next to him.

"Listen to me and listen to me good. You're a no good piece of scum that deserves to rot somewhere far far away. I hope Mackenzie is an amazing daughter because you sure as hell aren't going to see our kids ever again. Don't talk to me, Harry or anyone that I'm connected with and DON'T EVER try coming to one of these get togethers ever again. You deserve to drop off the face of the Earth. You're an asshole," I said, slapping his face and leaving the party.

After getting in the car, I burst into tears. "Shhh," Harry said, stroking my back. I leaned into his chest and cried softly, "I'm sorry." "Don't be, he deserved it," he began, "Plus it was sexy." I smirked, "Oh really?" I crawled onto Harry's lap and kissed him passionately. "I love you, Styles."


A/N: Sorry it's so short but I'm going to Christmas dinner soon!! I hope you all liked this chapter because I really did!! I liked the whole part when Nikki told Liam off. I thought it would make you all laugh :) Happy Holidays!! :) xx

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