Love Love and More Love

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Little did I know, in a few weeks, Harry and I would be living in our brand new house. "I can't believe we finally finished decorating," I said, kissing Harry's nose. "It's all because of you," he said, smiling down at me. I smiled back at him and looked around our brand new house, smiling at all of the hard work we did.

The house was perfectly decorated and Harry and I were throwing a little 'Welcome Home' party tonight, so we had to make sure the decorations for the party were perfect. "Wrap some streamers around here," I said, pointing to the lights. He nodded and wrapped some red streamer around the lights and the chairs.

I giggled, "Harry, you're such an amazing did I deserve you?" "Nikki, can I show you something?," he asked, pulling me with him. I followed him into the bedroom and watched as he pulled out a book. "This is a journal that I've had since we started dating...," he began, handing me the journal.

I smiled and opened the book to a random page, reading aloud the writing. "Today was the first day that Nikki and I actually went out as a couple. She took me to a store that she loved and I just sat there, watching her marvel at the dresses. She really is gorgeous, I can't help but fall more and more in love with her. I really hope that she is going to be my wife someday," I read, looking at Harry with tears in my eyes.

"Why are you crying?," he asked, wiping my tears from my cheeks. "Because I have something similar to this...," I said, pulling out a box from under my bed. I handed Harry the box full of papers, watching as he looked through the notes. "Post-its?," he asked, looking at what I had written on the notes.

"Love...Harry...I love Harry...1st Date...," he read from the post-its. "I wrote down everything about you that I love over time...I didn't realize it would fill a whole box," I said with a giggle. "You love my confidence?," he asked, smirking at me. I blushed and nodded, kissing his temple softly.

"I love everything about you," I said, kissing him on his pale pink lips. He smiled against my lips, pulling me close to him and laying back on the bed. I ran my fingers through his curly hair and smiled against his soft lips as he placed his hands on my lower back.

We laid there, making out, until someone rudely rang the doorbell 10 times. "Ugh, I got it," I said, getting off of Harry and walking to the front door. "Who have you been kissing?," Louis asked, smiling and pulling me into a hug. The next to come in were Zayn and Niall, then Liam and Jenny.

"Why did you invite her?," Zayn said, motioning to Jenny. "Because she's my friend and Liam's my friend and you're my friend," I said, raising my eyebrows at Zayn. He put his head down in shame and walked away, making me feel a bit bad for talking to him like that.

"Jenny!," I yelled, pulling her into a hug and asking her how the baby was doing. "Well, he or she is fine and healthy," Jenny replied with a smile. "Just like his daddy," Liam interjected. I smiled at the lovely couple, "I'm going to find Harry, have fun you two."

I found Harry still in our room, laying in the same spot that I left him in. "What are you doing here?," I asked, looking at him and sitting next to him on the bed. "Thinking about how lucky I am to be your husband," he replied, pulling me into a hug.

I smiled at him, "I'm the lucky one here." "If I hadn't spilled that smoothie on you...," he began. "I wouldn't have married the love of my life," I cut him off, kissing his lips. "Nikki and Harry stop making out and come have a party!," Lissa yelled, making Harry cringe.

Harry and I walked out of the bedroom, hand in hand, going to enjoy our party. About an hour into the party, I heard a crash come from the kitchen. "What's going on in there!?," I screamed, running into the kitchen to see Liam and Zayn in a fist fight.

"Guys, stop it!," I screamed, pulling Liam off of Zayn as Harry held Zayn back. Liam had blood dripping out of his nose and cuts on his arms. Zayn had a busted lip and bloody nose, making me cringe.

"Why are you two fighting anyway?," Harry asked. "Liam cheated on Jenny after getting her pregnant! He deserves better!," Zayn screamed, nearly breaking out of Harry's grasp.

"Who did you cheat on Jenny with?," I asked, watching as Liam began squirming. "M-Melissa...," Liam replied, making Zayn's eyes nearly pop out of his head.


Author's Note;

Another short chapter...I'm so sorry guys! I just wanted to update for you because I promised I would update when I hit 10K! I can't believe that we hit my all time goal! It literally made me the happiest person ever when I saw that we hit 10K on my first story that I wrote by myself... I love you all and thank you for reading! :) xx

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