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Author's Note:

Hey guys! I know this is annoying, but this author's note is IMPORTANT! Thank you for reading :)


After getting home from the resort, Harry decided to take the kids to see the other lads while I would stay home and unpack. "Bye!," I exclaimed, closing the front door and locking it as I walked into my bedroom, sorting through the messy suitcases.

I began folding the clean clothes and throwing the dirty ones into the hamper when the phone rang suddenly. Picking up the phone, I glanced down at the caller ID. "Hello?," I asked, knowing that I was talking to Jenny on the other line.

She was inviting Harry, the kids and I over for dinner that night. "You know, we have a lot of things to do around the house...we just got back from a resort, can we do it another night?," I asked and as soon as she responded, I hung right up.

Going right back to unpacking, I felt a sudden jolt of pain travel up my spine, causing me to cripple into a ball on the floor. I gasped for air as my pregnant stomach pressed against my lungs, causing the air to get cut off.

I laid there for a few minutes before the pain eased. "Just Braxton Hicks contractions," I kept telling myself, but when another jolt of pain came, I realized that it wasn't fake. Quickly, I dialed the ambulance and grabbed my purse as the driver put me on a stretcher, wheeling me into the vehicle.

The only thing I remember after that is waking up in a hospital room where balloons and flowers surrounded me. "She's awake," Harry whispered to Kelsey, who had been laying next to me this whole time. "Mommy!," Kelsey smiled, hugging me as Harry told her to be gentle.

"What happened to me?," I asked, looking down at the IVs attached to my arms. "You went into premature labor and weren't strong enough to push him out," Harry explained as I began to panic. "Him? Where is he? Is he okay?," I asked, starting to panic even more.

"He's okay, not great. The doctors are taking care of him right now, keeping him under close watch. Because he is a premature baby, he's at risk. And when he was born, the umbilical cord was nearly strangling him and he couldn't breath," Harry explained to me as tears began making their way down my rosy cheeks.

"Mommy, it's going to be okay," Kelsey smiled at me, leaning her head on my shoulder. I thought that after the cancer, everything was going to be okay, but now I have a sick newborn in the hospital. Harry came over and kissed my head, which was finally regaining it's hair back.

"It's going to be okay, it always is," Harry assured me, grasping my left hand with his warm hand and holding it close to his chest. Liam, Kelsey, Harry and I remained in the hospital room until the kids began getting a bit hungry.

"I'll be okay, don't worry," I told Harry for the hundredth time as he took the kids out of the room to go to dinner. I dialed Gemma quickly, trying to see if she would answer at this time.


Gemma: Hello?

Nikki: Hey Gem, it's Nikki.

Gemma: Nikki! How are you? How are you feeling?

Nikki: Actually, that's why I'm calling. The baby was premature and he's not doing great...

Gemma: What's wrong? What happened?

Nikki: I was too weak to push him out, so I had to have a C-section and when he was finally born, the doctors realized that the umbilical cord had been wrapped around his neck.

Gemma: Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry...

Nikki: It's okay, I need to get some rest, but I just thought you might want to know, bye...


After hanging up with Gemma, it was time for me to meet my son for the first time. I walked slowly to the nursery, clinging onto the railing of the wall as I walked in agony. I eventually reached the nursery, looking around for my baby boy.

"Are you looking for Styles?," a nurse asked from behind me, scaring me just a little. I turned slowly, looking at the nurse nervously as I nodded. She walked me to a special room, where just our baby was. "He's doing much better, but you still cannot pick him up," the nurse instructed as I looked at my beautiful baby.

His eyelids twitched as I spoke to him, causing me to crack a smile as he stirred around in his bassinet. He was draped in blankets, cuddled up so that he was never chilly, nor warm. I smiled down, touching the edge of the bassinet with my right hand as his eyes opened slowly.

"Hi my love," I whispered as he looked up at me. I watched as his eyes twinkled and his nose quivered slightly. "He's a beautiful baby, does he have a name?," the nurse asked from beside me. I smiled and looked at him, knowing what his name would be. "I like the name Harry," I said, smiling at the nurse.

She smiled and recorded his name on his birth certificate, walking out of the room and leaving Harry Jr. and I. Although he couldn't smile, you could just tell by his body language that he was a happy baby. Liam Jr. and Kelsey had a new baby brother who they're going to love crazily.

Eventually, Harry returned with Liam and Kelsey as I made my way back to my hospital room. "Where were you?," Harry asked as I slowly sat in my bed. "I was visiting Harry Jr.," I answered, smiling at him as his eyes, too, began to sparkle.

"You named him after me?," he asked, smiling like a mad man. I smiled back at him, "The way his eyes lit up and the way he moved around just reminded me of you. He has the curls to match, too," I added, smiling at my husband.

"Liam, Kelsey, do you want to go and meet your brother?," Harry asked, looking at the kids as they got all giddy. I smiled and watched as Harry led them out of the room. The nurse came back into my room, switching the IVs and disconnecting one of them.

"Nurse, can I ask you something?," I asked the nurse before she left the room. "What's wrong, sweetie?," the nurse responded. "What are the chances that Harry will survive?," I asked, looking at her with a concerned look plastered on my face. "Very likely sweetie, don't worry," she responded, making me smile wide.

Within an hour, Harry and the kids were back, sitting with me in my hospital room. "Honey, you're going to recover soon and Harry Jr. will be okay," Harry tried to assure me as I sat, nervous, in my bed. I laid back, trying to get comfortable when I knock came at the door.

The doctor opened the door with a worried expression on his face, "Nikki, Harry...I have some news..."


Author's Note;

Hey guys! Sorry about not updating in forever :( thank you all for 17K and keep reading! Also, for this next update, can you please tell me what you think of this story? The whole story! If I get 3 people to tell me what they think and if they think it's dragging, I'll update right away! Thank you again! :) Love Nicole <3

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