Christmas Miracle

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After my sob moment, I realized that it could only be the right thing to do if I went back inside. Harry and I walked into the house and greeted everyone again. I made sure that I apologized for my outburst, but I was still hurt about what Liam had done.

"Welcome back," Liam groaned as I walked past him. I smacked him right in the head as I walked to my spot at the dinner table. I sat down and began eating a few things again. I guess all of that food made me a bit hungry.

"Present time!," Jenny screamed, standing up and walking by the tree. I followed her over to the tree and sat on Harry's lap on the couch. "This one's for Nik!," Zayn said, handing me a bag with my name on it. I smiled, "Thank you!" "Don't thank me, it's from this one," he said, tapping Harry's nose.

I smiled, "We said no gifts." "I know, but I'm a very stubborn person," he said, pecking my nose with a kiss. "Limit the PDA," Liam groaned again. I threw a pillow right at his face, making sure I threw it the hardest I could.

"Why must you be such a bitch?," he retorted.

"Why must you be such an ass?," I asked back.

"Why are you so jealous?," he asked again.

"ME?! JEALOUS!? YOU FLIPPED OUT WHEN I KISSED MY BOYFRIEND," I screamed, throwing another pillow at his face.

"Look, let's stop fighting and get on with the Christmas gifts," Jenny said, trying to make piece. Niall, being the crazy little blonde boy that he is, opened his presents like a monster. "YES! A SPAGETTI MAKER! THANK YOU!," he screamed, giving Harry a huge hug.

"Nikki, you're next!," Niall yelled, shooting me a smile. I smiled back and began taking out the tissue paper from my bag. I gasped at the sight of a jewelry box. "Harry!," I screamed, looking him deeply in the eyes. "Open it," his husky voice rang against my eardrums.

I opened the box, revealing a beautiful necklace. "Do you like it?," he asked. I could feel Liam's eyes beating against my flesh. "I love it," I said, handing him the necklace to put around my neck. The necklace had 2 rings intertwined in each other, with mine and Harry's names engraved on each ring.

He put the necklace around my neck and I kissed him gently, "I have something for you too." I handed him a box and he opened it right away, revealing a bracelet. "Wow, you got it!," he said, kissing my cheek. "When I saw your eyes when you saw that bracelet, I knew I had to get it for you," I said, kissing him gently.

"Alright, who's next!?," I asked. "Actually...I have one more gift!," Harry said, standing up. "Where are you going?," I asked. He took a deep breath and got down on one knee, pulling out a square jewelry box. "Nikki, will you do me the amazing honor of becoming my wife?," he asked, his voice shaky.

I nodded crazily and hugged him tight, slipping the ring on my ring finger. "I love you, baby," he said, kissing me gently. I kissed him back and felt Liam's piercing eyes on me again. I smiled, "You make me the happiest girl alive."


A/N: IT'S CHRISTMAS GUYS! YAYYYY! What did everyone get?!

I got a laptop. YES A LAPTOP! One that I can use all the time to update for you guys!! I also got a wand curler, a COACH phone case, lip glosses, a coach winter hat and gloves! And a lot more!! Thanks for reading and I love you all so much :) Have an amazing holiday!!

Well, actually...the note isn't over. Sorry! This is such a short chapter and I know it's not the greatest, but I really wanted Harry and Nikki to get engaged with Liam in the room! Who thinks the relationship will last? Who thinks it won't?

I hope you all like the idea of Harry and Nikki getting together! I just need to figure out what to do with the kids of Nikki and Liam...I'm not sure how I'm going to put them into the book.

Oh! And thank you all for 7,000+ reads! That was the best Christmas gift I could ever ask for!!! You all are so amazing :) Thank you again and I can't believe that my story got that many reads. This story was merely something that I wrote out of summer fun and now it is the most popular story that I have! Okay now it's done...sorry for the extremely long note! Love you all :) xx

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