Pregnancy Bliss

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I woke up a few weeks later with an aching pain in my back. I groaned and stood up, one hand covering the pain in my lower back. I hobbled into the bathroom and looked into the bathroom mirror, looking into the eyes of a teenager who hadn't been sleeping well.

"Honey, is everything okay?," Liam's deep voice rang from outside of the bathroom door. I opened the door wide and flung myself into Liam's arms. "My back is killing me," I said, burying my face into his collarbone. He rubbed my lower back and kissed my cheek lightly.

"We can go to the doctor," he said, pulling away from the hug. I nodded slowly and threw on a pair of flip flops before walking down the stairs extremely slowly. I opened the front door almost silently and walked into the car, slamming the door behind me.

Once we reached the doctor, I explained my situation to the receptionist and she took me into the nearest room she had available. "Okay, so I've heard that you've been experiencing lower back pains?," the nurse asked, entering the room.

I nodded and waited as she examined my back and took a quick ultrasound before exiting the room. "I'm sure it's just from the pregnancy," Liam said, tracing my collarbone with his index finger. I nodded, praying that everything would be okay with our baby.

The doctor walked in a few minutes later with a sheet of paper in his hands. "Okay, it seems like you are just experiencing some pregnancy cramps. It's nothing serious, the baby is developing perfectly and you are about a month and a half pregnant," the doctor explained.

I smiled and looked at Liam, he was grinning from ear to ear. "Thank you so much doctor," I said, smiling and standing up, clutching my lower back. "We do have some pain medication for your back that is completely natural, so it will be fine for the baby," he said, handing me a bottle of pills.

I smiled and thanked him once more before leaving the doctor's office and walking back to the car. "Well that makes me feel better," I said to Liam as we sat back into the car. He nodded and drove us home in about 10 minutes.

"Where did you two go?," Niall asked as we entered the house. I was a tad startled, but I answered anyway. "The doctor," I said. Jenny and Lissa simultaniously let out a gasp. "Don't worry, everything's fine...she just had some back pains," Liam explained.

"They gave me natural pills so I would feel better and they are completely healthy for the baby," I said, plopping on the couch next to Zayn. "Well that's good," Zayn said, looking at me. I smiled and cuddled into Liam's chest. "Awww is Nikki tired?," Harry asked.

I nodded and threw a pillow at him playfully, laughing extremely hard. He smiled and looked at Liam and I on the couch. "I can't believe you two are married," Harry said, pulling Lissa close to him. "Me neither," I replied.

I walked to Harry and gave him a huge hug, "Thank you for being here," I said, burying my face into his neck. "If I didn't have that smoothie...," he whispered in my ear. I smiled and pulled away from the hug before walking into the kitchen and grabbing a pudding cup.

I started eating my pudding before Louis came up behind me and scared the crap out of me, causing me to fling my pudding everywhere. "LOU!," I screamed, attempting to clean up my mess. He whipped another pudding cup into the air, making an even bigger mess.

Before I knew it, all 8 of us were fighting with pudding cups in the kitchen. I smiled and glanced at the entire kitchen, it was completely covered in chocolate pudding. "Guys look at this mess," I said, "someone has to clean it up."

"Not it!"

"Not it!"

"Not it!"

"Not it!"

"Not it!"

"Not it!"

"Not it!"

I was the only person who didn't say 'Not it' so I was stuck cleaning the pudding massacre. "Oh sure, make the pregnant lady clean it," I said, looking at everyone with pouty eyes. Just saying that made everyone feel bad and they all helped me clean.

About an hour later, we finished cleaning the entire kitchen, almost making it look as if it were sparkling. "Thanks guys," I said, looking at everyone who was now tired because of cleaning. "Guys, we should get some rest, we have a surprise for you all tomorrow," I said, walking up the stairs and into bed.

"I don't think they know a thing," I said, smiling at Liam and laying into my bed, drifting to sleep.


Author's note;


This is by far the most exciting thing ever! I wrote this just as a little thing because I was bored, but now it's something that 2000 PEOPLE have read! I cannot believe that people actually read and comment and vote on my stories. Thank you all so much and please keep reading and commenting!

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