Chapter 1: Ew...

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Alright, so my name's Nicole. My friends call me Nikki, for short. I'm from a small town in California, but that's a good thing because I have so many friends here. Well, not THAT many friends, but that doesn't mean that I'm not happy. I'm 15 years old, with curly brown hair. Medium length. Relationship status? Currently single. Almost all of the girls in my school are freaking out because today is the day of the huuggeeeee One Direction concert. Big woop. I am NOT fond of them, if you can't already tell. They're annoying, ugly, and worst of all, they're just so...full of themselves! They think that since they're British they could just run around and get any girl they want. ESPECIALLY NIALL! He's Irish, which makes it even worse. I was planning on ditching school today, just because of all of the chaos, but I decided against it. I'm an average grade student, but that doesn't mean I don't care about my grades. Moving on. My mom and dad are currently together, but I tend to favor my mom more. She lets me get away with WAY more than my dad does. She told me that I could fake sick if I really didn't feel like spending time with the crazy fangirls that are in my school. "Bye mom! Bye dad," I said, leaving the house. Thank god I don't have to take that stupid bus anymore. My friend, Jenny, is a senior, meaning she could drive me to school and take me home without the torturous bus ride. "Hey Jen, what's up boo?," I asked, flopping my backpack into the trunk. "Not much, dude. One Direction is gonna be at school today! I'm psyched," she said anxiously, pulling out of my driveway. Jenny is a directioner, if that's what their fans are called. I could really care less, but she loves them, so I support her. She's been my best friend for 6 years now, and we're planning on moving in with eachother once we get out of that hellhole of a high school.

Walking in to school, I see girls crying, laughing, and fangirling to an absolute extreme. I can't help but laugh at how pathetic they really are. They're just 5 guys that will never learn your name. What's so special about them? Oh right. They're "ONE DIRECTION AHHHHH." Whatever. I walked to my locker, hung up my jacket. (Outfit over there ---->) I grabbed my books and slammed my locker shut. "What's doin, sweet thang?," some dumb jock called from across the hall. "Buzz off," I said, not even making eye contact. I just couldn't wait to get home. There was this huge blowout at my friend Lissa's house tonight. She was a directioner, who was PRAYING for those stupid jerks to come to the party, but I tried to tell her it would never happen.

Screams echoed in the hallway, guess the idiots are here. I sprung outside onto the patio, which was only supposed to be for teachers, but YOLO. Ugh. I saw that dude. The one with the..oh no. Superman shirt. He's gonna think I'm some crazy fangirl. Wait.

What am I saying?

What do I care what some stupid British kids think?

I waltzed back into the school, but I wasn't welcomed all to nicely. The curly haired one spilled his smoothie all over my brand new shorts and top. "Woah! Sorry love! Can I get you something, perhaps a new top?," the curly haired one asked. "Go away. I just got these shoes too and I don't want them ruined," I snapped sharply. I swear to god if he goes anywhere near me. I pulled out my iPhone and rang my mom. "Mom, drop me off some clothes? Some jerk just spilled his friggin' blueberry smoothie on me." She said she couldn't come because she was working from 9-3 and it was already 10. Dammit.

I walked back to my locker to see if I had any spare clothes in there. Yes. Jackpot. A pair of zebra shorts with a blue top to match my converse. Score. I closed my locker, but was startled by the blonde one, Niall? I think. "Do you need anything, love? I have some spare clothes back in my van if you'd like," he said. I rolled my eyes, "No, I don't need anything from you guys. Just buzz off? K," I snapped back. I went into the locker room, but was greeted by a load of claps. "I didn't realize changing made me so popular? Whatevs," I said, changing into my new outfit. I swung the door open fiercely and walked back outside to my locker to put my smoothied clothes away.

Then the loudspeaker buzzed.



Click. The speaker turned off and a mob of girls rushed into the cafe. I peeked in to see what the chaos was all about, but I only saw 4 guys. Not that I cared, I just didn't want to run into any idiots. Of course, Jenny and Lissa were both inside, so I didn't have anyone to talk to. Then someone tapped my shoulder. I sighed, "What." It was the tall one, he was wearing plaid, but I didn't know his name. "The name's Liam. 'Daddy Direction?'," he said. Woah, he sure is desperate. "Yeah, what do you want?," I said hastily. He looked surprised, maybe because I wasn't drooling over him. "Well, Harry could be a clutz sometimes. I just wanted to invite you to a barbeque tonight. At our house. Pfft. "No thanks. I already have plans, thank you very much," I said sarcastically. I started to turn around, but he tugged on my wrist. "Talk to me, you seem bored," he said. "Only cuz I have nothing better to do. I'm the only chick not completely hypervenilating over you guys," I said blankly. We talked for a little, I explained Lissa's party and stuff to him. He said that they would love to play since they don't go on tour for another month. I guess that wasn't too bad. Lissa would be happy.

"Liss!," I spotted her through the crowds. "Nik, babe! You coming tonight?," she asked excitedly. "Hell to the yeah!," I exclaimed back, "Oh, and guess who I'm bringing with?" She gave me an odd look, but she caught on. "NO FLACKING WAY." "Alright, don't ever say that again, but yes. It's true," I said. She squeezed me so tight, I thought my heart stopped beating for a good minute. "Look, go have fun, mi mamma's picking me up," and with that, we hugged good bye.

I suddenly got a text.

~Text Convo~

Unknown number: hey what time's the party tonite?

Me: uhm, who is this?

Unknown: Liam, from 1D?

Me: how'd u get my number, you creep?

Liam: Your friend Lissa. What time?

Me: 7. Come for 6, I'll help you set up.

~End of Convo~

Well, I guess One Direction was gonna be bugging me tonight too. Oh well, it's for Lissa and Jenny.

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