Lee Felix: Company (Skz)ッ

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An - you're probably wondering why a stray kids imagine is in this book, but I only wrote this for fun so I hope you don't mind<3

Genre: Fluff🍃

Y/n and Felix laid on a bright yellow blanket on the big grass area in the park they lived close by. Just enjoying the warmth of the sun and each other on a quiet wednesday afternoon. Y/n watched as the little ants started to invade their watermelon and strawberry remains.

Smiling at the ants, y/n rolled back to Felix now laying face to face with him, looking right into his eyes. Felix then leaned in slowly and kissed her soft lips then again... and again and again and aga-.

"Did you miss me today sunshine?"

Y/n asked giggling at Felix's neediness.

"Is that even a question baby. I miss you all the time so yes *kiss* I missed you today"

Felix answered smiling.

"I missed you too Felix"

Y/n's eyes trailed from Felix' eyes to his cheeks which were covered in small freckles. Y/n instantly smiled at the sight of his freckles that she admired so much. She then began to caress his cheek softly with her hand. Felix smiled at her action.

"Is it my freckles again?"

He chuckled. Y/n only nodded and smiled. He knew she loved them.

The couple then rolled onto their stomachs to watch the people who were also enjoying the nice weather.

"Lets play a game!"

Felix said excitedly and turned to y/n who quickly agreed to his idea.

"Okay, you see the couple over there?"

Y/n nodded looking over at the young couple who sat on a bench nearby.

"What do you think her biggest wish is?"

Felix asked y/n.

Y/n thought for a moment until she came to the perfect answer.

"She wants what every girl want baby. She wants a little cute kitten to cuddle with when her boyfriend isn't home"

Y/n replied confidently turning to Felix again smiling.

"Are you saying that you want a friend for little Yejin at home?"

Felix asked chuckling turning to y/n again only to meet y/n's hopeful eyes.

"I didn't say that directly buuuut if that is what you want then yes I think Yejin would love that. Remember when we are not home she is alone in the big and lonely apartment. ARGHH! We are awful cat parents!"

Y/n screamed the last part into the grass. Felix smiled widely at her words.

"She is a cat. I think she can survive on herself but i guess it would be nice for her to have a friend"


Felix nodded.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you baby!"

Y/n cheered out loud hugging Felix tightly before kissing him.

"I love you too y/n"

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