Lucas: Pick you up (NCT)ッ

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Genre: Comedy and fluff🍂

Y/n took a quick glance at her phone, under the school table.


I'm going to pick you up in 10 minutes, okay?

Lucas, my class ends in an hour! You can't pick me up yet
sent 20 minutes ago

Y/n turned off her phone again and fiddled nervously with her skirt, while she listened to what the teacher talked about.

If he bursts in my class, he's dead, Y/n thought to herself as she took a glance at the clock above the door to the classroom.

"Miss L/n! Are you listening?"

Y/n snapped out of her thoughts, as her teacher called her name.

"Yes miss Yoon. I just thought I saw something... on the wall"

Y/n knew it was a bad way to save it, but her teacher, Miss Yoon, just gave her a weirded look and continued her class.

Y/n sighed and kept her gaze at Miss Yoon as she explained further about some physics. But a sound of someone yelling in the halls, interrupted the class and silence fell upon everyone in the classroom.

"Y/n! I'm here", It sounded from the halls.

Everyone turned to y/n, who sat in silence with a shocked expression plastered on her face. She immediately recognised the voice.

That idiot, she rolled her eyes.

But as she did, the door flew open, revealing none other than Lucas.

"There you are!"

He exclaimed when he saw y/n, sitting at her table. He was about to walk over to her, when he realized the situation.

He froze.

"Excuse me young man, what are you doing in my classroom?"

Miss Yoon sternly said with her arms crossed over her chest.

Lucas was quiet for a moment.

Everyone in the classroom was giggling and whispering, while Lucas just stood there, not knowing what to say.

"I- uhhhh... I'm y/n's boyfriend, and i'm here to pick her up. I thought her class was over"

He said a little embarrassed.

Y/n couldn't help but to chuckle at him.

"Well the class isn't over yet, so I may ask you to leave now"

Miss Yoon looked coldly at Lucas.

He nodded immediately and turned to look at y/n, who was all red in the face.

"I'll leave now, miss. I am sorry for the disturbance everyone. And y/n i'll be waiting for you after your class then"

He winked at y/n and with that he disappeared out the door again.

The class was quiet again and everyone was still staring at y/n. She shook her head.

"Um, I don't know who that was... at all"

An - Heyyyy:D I wish you all a good day

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