Lee Jeno: Cold (NCT)ッ

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Genre: Fluff ✨

After walking around with Jeno and the dreamies in the snowy landscape for about 2 hours y/n was really cold. Even though she had her winter jacket, gloves, hat and boots on she still was deep frozen. She didn't want complain about it in front of the boys so she lived with it.

Y/n shivered once again causing Jeno to look at her with a worried face.

"You cold?"

He asked. She looked up at him giving up at this point so she slowly nodded.

"Yeah, it's cold outside today"

Jeno smiled at her as he got an idea. He suddenly stopped in his tracks and began opening his jacket. He then opened his arms at y/n who was quite confused by his actions.

"Come in here then"

He said while smiling widely causing his eyes to turn into these adorable little lines.

Y/n smiled at him and put her arms into Jeno's jacket. He zipped it again and there they were. Y/n couldn't see from inside of his jacket so she couldn't walk.

"When I say left you take a step with your left foot and when i say right you take a step with the right foot, okay tiny?"

Jeno could hear a muffled "Mhm" from inside his jacket causing him to chuckle.

"Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right..."

The dreamies only watched the
while walking for a good amount of time until Chenle got a good idea to break the couples little moment.

"Hold on guys"

Chenle whispered to Haechan, Jisung, Jaemin, Renjun and Mark while making a massive snowball.

"Dude, y/n is gonna kill you. You know that right"

Jaemin whispered to Chenle who wasn't listening to his words, he was too busy making his snowball. Chenle picked up the snowball and began running towards y/n who was still inside Jeno's jacket.

Jeno didn't have the time to react when he suddenly felt something cold on his chest. Chenle had thrown the snowball down the collar of Jeno's jacket causing it to land directly on y/n's head.

"Chenle what the hell! Y/n is freezing in there!"

Jeno yelled at Chenle who was currently busy laughing his ass off with Haechan. But they then heard a chuckle coming from the inside of Jeno's jacket causing them all to shut up immediately. They all stared at a creepingly smiling y/n who was now moving out from Jeno's jacket.

"Chenle, Chenle, Chenle, you never learned a thing did you? Don't you remember the last time you tried to win over me in a snowball fight?"

Y/n asked while chuckling at his previous act as she stared at Chenle with a mad glare. Chenle gulped regretting his actions. He looked over at Jaemin for help but Jaemin only mouthed a "I told you" in response to the scared Chenle. The other boys agreed with Jaemin. He turned his head to y/n again.

"Now let's solve this as the responsible human beings we are"

Jeno tried to calm y/n down but it was too late to stop her. Suddenly y/n jumped at Chenle stuffing his face with snow.


Jeno immediately ran to the two of them fighting and picked his girlfriend up to stop her from fighting Chenle.

"Y/n you can't kill Chenle just yet. We need him for our next concert, and after that you can kill him"

Jeno said calmly to y/n who was currently over his shoulder kicking him and begging for him to let her down so she could kill Chenle.


Chenle yelled offended. That caused the whole gang to start laughing. Even y/n who was now cooled down again.

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