Lee Jeno: Wake up (NCT)ッ

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Genre: Fluff ☕️

Y/n slowly opened her eyes, staring into the white ceiling above her. She sighed softly and turned in the bed to look at her sleeping boyfriend beside her. She smiled and decided to wake him up.

"Hey baby, wake up"

Y/n said while lightly poking Jeno, who was covered in the bed sheets.

A low groan could be heard.

"I'm still sleeping"

He complained with his raspy morning voice, without even opening his eyes.

"Come on Jeno..."

Y/n said, still poking him.

He sighed and softly grabbed her hand, before she could poke him again. He pulled her down onto the bed with him before wrapping his long arms around her, so she couldn't leave.

He hugged her and snuggled closer, and y/n knew he wouldn't let her go anytime soon.

She giggled lightly at him.

"We have to get up"

She said.

Jeno sighed deeply before finally opening his eyes slowly.

"But it's cold outside"

He whined as he pulled her even closer to him, stealing all her warmth.


"Alright alright"

He mumbled, finally giving in but pulled y/n in one last time, kissing her forehead before letting her go.

She smiled widely at him before standing up from the bed and moving towards the kitchen. Y/n began to prepare some coffee for the two of them.

A few minutes later, a still tired looking Jeno joined her in the kitchen. He walked up behind her, placing his chin on the top of her head, snaking his arms around her waist while observing her movements as she made coffee for the two of them.

A smile grew on Jeno's face.

"I love you"

Y/n smiled at his words.

"I know"

She simply said with a satisfied smile on her face, as she poured the coffee into the two cups in front of her. Jeno chuckled and removed his arms from her waist.

"You're supposed to say it back, you know?"

Y/n turned to him with a smile on her face, and gave him his coffee.

"Oh am I? Well then I love you too Lee Jeno"

Jeno ruffled her hair softly as he chuckled at her sarcasticness.

"That's what I thought"

He smiled and leaned down, placing a soft kiss on her lips.

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