Jeong Jaehyun: Scary man (NCT)ッ

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Genre: Fluff 🦋

"Are we going to color that one blue?"

Y/n asked little Yeona, who sat beside her on the floor, while pointing at the drawing. Yeona nodded while smiling at her.

"And this is going to be red"

Yeona cheered while grabbing the colors beside her and began coloring.

Y/n smiled satisfied at the little girl beside her.

Y/n had been working in a kindergarten for some time now, and well it was okay. Y/n obviously did it for the money, but she actually enjoyed the little kids company if she was being honest.

At the moment y/n was waiting for the remaining kids in the kindergarten to be picked up by their parents. It was peaceful as y/n watched over the kids.

Suddenly Deiji, one of the kids, came running from the entrance area. She slowed down when she reached y/n.

"What is it Deiji?"

Y/n asked with a worried expression on her face.

Deiji leaned down to y/n's ear and whispered.

"There is a scary man at the door"

Y/n frowned before standing up.

"Kids, stay here okay"

Yeona, Deiji, Cho and Minjun, the remaining kids, nodded at y/n's words and they all waited for her as she walked to the door.

When y/n reached the door she could see a tall figure through the glass in the door.

She hesitated for a moment before opening the door. She looked up at the man, and she soon recognised him.

"Jaehyun? What are you doing here?"

She let him in immediately after opening the door. Jaehyun smiled at his confused girlfriend in front of him before embracing her into a tight hug. Y/n melted into the hug and he placed his chin on the top of her head.

"I just wanted to pick you up from work, that's all"

He spoke.

"I'm not done working though, but you can stay if you want to. Right now I'm just waiting for the kids to be picked up"

Y/n said, looking up from Jaehyun's chest.

He smiled at her and kissed her lips, but when he did that a gasp could be heard from the kindergarten classroom.

Jaehyun and y/n turned around.


Minjun yelled angrily at Jaehyun as he began attacking his legs.

Jaehyun and y/n both chuckled softly at the little boy who was trying to attack him. Y/n tried to calm Minjun down again.

"Minjun calm down, he's a good man, and he's not going to hurt me"

She chuckled as she patted Minjun's head.

Minjun stopped attacking him and he shifted his gaze up to Jaehyun's. Minjun squinted his eyes at him.

"Who are you mister good man?"

He asked with a serious expression plastered on his face. Jaehyun smiled warmly at him and he bent down to Minjun's height.

"I'm Jaehyun, y/n's boyfriend. Nice to meet you Minjun"

Jaehyun held out his hand to Minjun. The little boy studied Jaehyun's features with a sceptical expression on his face before shaking his hand.

"I'll only accept you being y/n's boyfriend on one condition"

Jaehyun nodded.

"And what condition is that?"

"Don't even think about hurting her okay mister Jaehyun?"

Cho then moved over to Jaehyun and Minjun.

"Or else we will steal all your candy. You get it?"

Cho added confidently.

Y/n chuckled once again at the kids behaviour and patted Jaehyun's shoulder lightly.

"I would agree with them if I were you"

Jaehyun smiled at her before turning to the now four kids in front of him.

"I promise that I'll never hurt her"

Yeona then spoke up.

"Now that's settled, you have to show me your drawing skills Jaehyun"

She said as she took his hand and dragging him with her to the pencils and papers. Jaehyun gladly followed along. The other kids also followed them.

Y/n stood in the entrance smiling at the kids having fun with Jaehyun for a couple seconds before she realised something.

"Did Yeona just steal my boyfriend?"

An - Hello! I have no idea if kids actually use words like "settled" but let's just imagine;) Have an amazing day/night/noon<3

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