Johnny: Learning Korean (NCT)ッ

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Genre: Fluff🌱

After coming to Korea to live with Johnny, y/n had to study Korean almost everyday to understand and communicate with people.

There was just one thing that y/n didn't know about learning Korean. It was hard!

At the moment y/n sat at her and Johnny's kitchen table, on the verge of tears because of a sentence she had tried to pronounce for about an hour. She just couldn't get it right.

"Damn it!"

She yelled as she slammed her hand on the table. Johnny, who were looking for a snack in the fridge, turned his attention to y/n at the table. He got worried and soon began moving towards his girlfriend.

"What happened Love?"

He asked lightly while looking at y/n who were laying with her face on the table. Moments after a quiet whimper could be heard from y/n.

"Baby, you alright?"

He asked now placing a chair beside her so he could sit.

"I... I can't get this sentence right *sniff* and it's frustrating"

Y/n finally spoke up as she lifted her head from the table again so Johnny could look at her. To y/n's surprise, Johnny began chuckling at her instead of comforting her.

"It's not funny"

She laid lowly. Johnny stopped chuckling but continued to smile.

"I'm sorry baby, it's just funny how you get frustrated so easily"

"But it's not easy to learn Korean"

She said while staring at the Korean grammar books in front of her.

"But you could just ask me to help you out"

Johnny crossed his arms over his chest as he looked at y/n with a grin.



"Will you help me with this?"

Y/n asked now smiling at Johnny while giving him the puppy eyes as well. Johnny chuckled at her sudden change of mood.

"Of course I will baby"

He leaned towards her and kissed her lips softly. The smile on her face grew even wider.

"The let's get to work shall we?"

Johnny asked energetically as the looked at all the books on the kitchen table.

"Let's do it!"

And with that the two of them got to work.

*10 minutes later*

"I don't remember Korean being that hard to learn though"

Johnny said as the sat back in his chair, staring at the selling. Y/n sighed in frustration but she soon got an idea.

"How about we buy some take away and then maybe after our brains can take in the knowledge?"

She asked while smirking at Johnny. Johnny shifted his gaze from the selling to y/n again. He also smirked at the idea.

"You know that's a really good idea y/n. You're clever"

He said as he patted her head before standing up.

"Well thank you"

Soon the two of them were on their way to get take away, hand in hand down the busy streets.

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