Kim Doyoung: Ouch! (NCT)ッ

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Genre: Fluff again😼

"Thank you sir"

Y/n said smiling to the ice cream man as she reached for her and Doyoung's ice creams. She gave Doyoung his ice cream and soon after and the couple were now on the way home from a long day at the park.

Doyoung took y/n's hand as they walked through the park. She smiled at him.

"Is your ice cream good Youngie?"

Y/n asked him while looking up at him. He smiled at her and nodded.

"You wanna try?"

He asked as he stretched the ice cream out in front of her.

"Of course!"

Just as y/n was about to taste the ice cream a loud meow could be heard from beside y/n and Doyoung. They both turned their heads at the sound and right there a little white cat sat, looking at them innocently. 

Y/n's eyes started to sparkle at the sight of the little baby and she slowly approached it, trying not to scare it. She now sat crouched down in front of the cat.

"Don't y/n. Its just gonna scratch you or something"

Doyoung warned as he watched her trying to stroke the cat. Y/n turned her head to him revealing a annoyed face.

"Why are you so boring huh? It's just a little cat Doyoung"

Doyoung shrugged and sighed.

"You can never count on cats im just telling you but go ahead, pet it"

Y/n stuck out her tongue at him.

"I will"

She said confidently as her hand got closer and closer to the cat. When her hand finally reached the cat it flinched at the sudden contact and scratched her hand in reflex. Y/n yelped in shock and pulled her hand back from the cat. It ran away right after.

And there she sat in total shock on the ground right on her butt. Doyoung couldn't help but laugh at her as she sat there. 

"I told you baby"

He said as he chuckled lightly at her. He reached out a hand to her. She took it and she soon stood on her feet again. Y/n was still in shock when she looked at the scratch mark the cat had left on her hand. 

"It stings"

She almost whispered as she continually stared at the scratch. Doyoung grinned at her.

"Do you want me to kiss it so it doesn't hurt anymore princess?"

He said ironically. Y/n's eyes light up at his words.

"That would be nice actually"  

She said as she smilingly reached her hand out to Doyoung who rolled his eyes playfully.

"Then your highness"

He took her hand and softly kissed the little scratch. He looked up at her.

"Is that better miss?"

Y/n smiled satisfied.

"Much better!"

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