Mark Lee: Late-night snacks (NCT)ッ

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Genre: Fluff 🌖 andddd this is going to be so cliche so yeah don't come for me please💀

Y/n rubbed her chin as she looked at all the snacks in front of her. She shifted her weight from the left foot to the right.

"How about... cookies then?"

She asked herself as she reached for the chocolate chip cookies. Right when she placed the cookies in her arms a voice interrupted her.

"The store will close in 5 minutes. Please soon consider moving to the check out. Good day"

A voice said through the convenience stores speakers. Y/n looked at her phone to check the time. 9:25 pm.


Y/n mumbled under her breath as she began to grab some other snacks, trying her best not to drop them.

Late night snacking in pajamas and bunny slippers was just routine for y/n. She actually enjoyed it. You can't blame her though. She lived just around the corner from the convenience store so it didn't take long for her to get what she needed.

When she got the snacks she needed, she stumbled her way to the checkout in her pink bunny slippers. Y/n managed to drop her box of pocky on her way, but she didn't notice.

But the person behind her did. He bent down, picked up the box of pocky and walked up to y/n. He poked her shoulder lightly. She flinched at the sudden feeling on her shoulder and turned around.

She was in shock when she saw who it was. Mark Lee, her classmate and crush. She internally facepalmed. Seriously! Right now god! She thought to herself as she tried to remain calm on the outside. He was silent for a moment before speaking up.

"Um, you dropped this"

He slowly reached the box of pocky out to her. Y/n stared at it for a moment before she spoke up.

"Oh thank you well..."

She trailed off as she realized that she couldn't carry it because her arms were full. He giggled.

"Do you need help carrying that?"

He pointed at the bags and boxes of snacks in her arms. She looked down at all the stuff.

"That would be nice thank you"

She said as she smiled at him. He grabbed a couple of bags, and soon they were on their way to the check out together.

"So, shopping in pjs?"

Mark asked as he looked down at y/n who walked beside him. She stiffened at his words. How embarrassing she thought as she felt her face getting red.

"Yeah, I live just around the corner, and I kinda went spontaneous snack shopping"

He giggled at her red face as she spoke.

"No need to be embarrassed. I mean that pajamas is kinda cute on you"

Y/n almost stopped in her trails when she heard Mark's words. She mentally cried in happiness while her face remained red. She looked up at him.

"Thank you"

She said as her eyes almost sparkled at the sight of him right in front of her. Mark giggled once again at her cute little expression as he ruffled her hair lightly with a free hand. Y/n was happy to say the least.

In school they did share a few friends so this is not the first time at all interacting with each other. You could call the two of them friends actually.

They finally reached the check out, and y/n took out her wallet to pay for the few snacks but Mark stopped her.

"I'll pay y/n"

"No, it's fine i'll jus-"

Before y/n could protest, Mark had already paid for the snacks. She just stood there shook while Mark grabbed the snacks and put them in a bag. She grabbed the box of pocky. He grabbed her hand and pulled her softly with him out of the store. When they reached outside Mark stopped in his tracks for a moment and turned to y/n. He didn't let go of her hand.

"Which way do you live?"

"Um right this way"

She pointed at the sidewalk close to them. Mark smiled and let out a little "aha" as he pulled y/n with him.

"You're walking me home?"

Y/n asked as she followed him, dragging her bunny slippers with her. He grinned at her, his hand still around hers. She enjoyed the warmth.

"Of course. I don't want you to get kidnapped or something"

He answered. She smiled his way.

"Thank you Mark"

He simply smiled and pulled her closer to him. Their shoulders were now touching and y/n could feel her face getting red again. Damn i'm whipped help she shook her head. They continued walking in a comfortable silence.

When they reached y/n's house, she thought of something and let go of his hand. She reached out the box of pocky in front of him. He looked at her with a confused face.

"Here. Take this as a thank you for paying for the snacks and for walking me home"

She mumbled out. Mark giggled at her nervous actions and shook his head.

"No thanks, keep it y/n"

She looked up at him.


Mark stopped her mid sentence by softly placing a hand on her left cheek. She froze. He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Take this as a thank you for being such a cutie. Goodnight y/n"

He placed the bag of snacks in her hand before disappearing along the sidewalk again. Again poor y/n was left shook with a rather heated face. Well damn she sighed while smiling to herself.

An - Hello<3 Sooo this chapter is really long lol but I hope you like it! Again thank you for 1k reads:D I still can't believe it

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