Haechan: Have you seen my socks? (NCT)ッ

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Genre: Fluff🌱

Haechan looked through the laundry once again, trying to find his long lost strawberry socks. They were nowhere to be found.

He sighed deeply.


Haechan called out throughout his and y/n's shared apartment.

"Have you seen my socks? You know the ones with strawberries all over them"

Y/n, who currently was in their bedroom, snuggled herself further into her pillows and blanket, silently giggling to herself.


She yelled back, suddenly hearing Haechan's footsteps slowly pad towards the bedroom. He poked his head inside the bedroom.

"Are you sure?"

He questioned, raising a brow at her.

"I'm sure"

Y/n answered, smiling innocently at Haechan. He stood at the end of the bed, near her legs before he yanked the covers off of y/n, making her gasp.

There his socks were on y/n's feet.

"I feel attacked!"

She playfully exclaimed, pulling the blanket from him again almost immediately.

"Oh! You've started stealing my socks now?"

He slowly started inching closer to her. Y/n squirmed away from him.


She dragged out, hiding underneath the covers. She heard him laugh.

"You literally have my socks on your feet, idiot"

She suddenly felt Haechan's weight press against her body.

"Hey, get off of me! You monster!"

Y/n laughed loudly, as she felt his fingers make their way to her sides, tickling her gently.

"N-no! My weakness"

She said in between laughs. Haechan suddenly pulled the covers off of her face, now making them lay face to face.

"Hello there"

He smiled at her, as if he wasn't crushing her at the moment.

"It's okay, you're not heavy, not at all"

Y/n responded, exhaling as his body on top of hers pressed all air out of her lungs.

"I mean, you could just give me my socks and i'd be done doing this"

Haechan shrugged.

"I don't want to"

She stuck out her tongue.

"Y/n, come on you already have half of my hoodies. Not that i'm complaining or anything, you look cute in them BUT my strawberry socks though"

He pouted at her.


Y/n whined.

"They're really comfortable and I'll buy you new ones I swear. We could be one of those annoying couples we make fun of who get matching stuff, you know"

"I don't think we're annoying. I love us, I mean have you seen me?"

He said with a smirk on his face.

"I'll wipe that smirk off your face the minute I get out of here"

Y/n playfully glared at him.

Haechan took the chance to quickly peck her lips. Once he pulled away he licked the tip of her nose, which made her gasp lightly.

He smiled.

"Cute. I love you"

"You're gross!"

Y/n yelled in disgust.

"But I love you too"

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