Lee Taeyong: Jealous (NCT)ッ

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Genre: Fluff☁️

"Wait wait wait! Do it again!"

Y/n yelled at the smiling Jaemin. He rolled his eyes playfully at her. And there it was, Jaemin doing aegyo for the hundredth time today. Y/n's face cracked into a smile.

Y/n and her boyfriend, Taeyong, were visiting NCT dream's dorm today, just to hang out and well that turned out like this. Y/n was amazed by their cuteness and had been that since her and Taeyong got there.

All seven members loved y/n and her motherly instincts. She loved taking care of them and looking after them even though she was just about 5 years older than most of them.

But back to present. Y/n giggled loudly like a little child when Jaemin did the aegyo. She leaned towards him and pinched his cheeks lightly. She then turned to Jisung who sat beside her.

"You're so cute! I want to keep you in my pocket"

She said as she smiled at Jisung who only smiled back at her. The thing was, the dreamies knew that Taeyong would be jealous of them when that got y/n attention so they just enjoyed making him jealous at this point.

Taeyong, who sat on the couch across from the one that y/n, Jaemin and Jisung was placed on, looked coldly at the three of them having fun or in other words, Jaemin and Jisung having all of y/n's attention.

He sighed and looked at the clock.

"Y/n, I think it's time for us to go home"

Taeyong said while looking sternly at her. She looked confused, shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest.

"No! I'm staying with my babies"

Now all members were gathered in the living room where it all started. Taeyong rolled his eyes.

"Come on. They are old enough to take care of themselves y/n"

Y/n pouted.

"No, just look at them"

Y/n stood up from the sofa and turned to Jeno who she now stood beside. She soon hugged him tightly.

"They can't survive this world alone"

She said as she looked at the slightly annoyed Taeyong.

"Fine! Then I'll go home alone and you stay here with them! I don't need you anyways"

And with that Taeyong disappeared out the front door to the dorm, slamming it shut behind him. The dreamies just stood there in shock at what just happened. Y/n on the other hand knew he would pop off sooner or later so she wasn't surprised at all.

"Well boys, I have to go look after my biggest baby now. Take care and remember to stay cute okay?"

She said as she padded Chenle's head. She began packing her bags and putting on her jacket and shoes.

"Of course y/n"

Renjun said as she gave her a thumbs up. She smiled.

"No worries. He is too easy to make jealous"

Haechan said while chuckling lightly at Taeyong's previous actions.

"He really does, now bye babies"

Y/n said before blowing the dreamies a kiss as she moved out the door to catch up to Taeyong.

When y/n got the parking lot she quickly spotted her and Taeyong's car parked with the lights on. She assumed that Taeyong didn't drive home after all. She smiled to herself.

Y/n got to the car, opened the door and placed herself in the front seat beside Taeyong who sat looking out the window with a mad expression on his face.

"You're still mad huh?"

She asked him breaking the awkward silence.

"Tsk, I'm not mad"

He muttered. Y/n smiled at her child like boyfriend.

"Ah that's right you're jealous, not mad"

She said sarcastically. Taeyong's now turned to look at her.

"I'm not jealous of those kids"

"Oh right you're not. Then let's visit them again next week"

Y/n said as she waited for Taeyong's reaction. He furrowed his brows for a moment but soon his facial expression softened and it turned into a pout.

"But... but when we are with them you don't even pay attention to me"

Y/n giggled lightly at Taeyong as she caressed his cheek.

"So you were jealous baby?"

"Yeah, of course I was jealous"

Y/n slowly leaned in at kissed him on the lips softly. She could see his smile when she pulled away again.

"Don't be. You are the only one for me and no one could even compete"

Taeyong looked into her eyes now.

"Not even Jaemin when he does aegyo?"

She giggled again and shook her head.

"Not even Jaemin when he does aegyo baby"

Taeyong smiled even wider after hearing her statement. He reached a hand behind her head and kissed her on the forehead.

"I love you y/n"

Y/n looked him in the eyes and smiled.

"I love you even more"

An - I wish you all a good day:3

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