Hendery: Pink Pink Pink! (NCT)ッ

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Genre: Fluff 🐛


Hendery stopped playing with y/n's fingers when she suddenly broke the comfortable silence. He looked up.

"Hm what is it?"

He asked as he observed his girlfriends kinda excited facial expression. 

"Do you have more of that pink hair dye?"

She smiled happily as she pointed at his hair, which was pink at the moment. Hendery thought for a moment. He suddenly stood up and disappeared into the bathroom to look for the hair dye. Y/n skipped after him in excitement and stopped at the door opening to look what he found.

"Ah here"

He said with a smile as he found the pink hair dye in the bathroom drawer. He held it up like a baby and y/n giggled. 

"Will you dye my hair then?"

She asked as she looked at him with puppy eyes. 

"Of course baby, why not"

He smiled at her. Y/n screeched in happiness as she ran to Hendery and hugged his waist.

"Thank you baby!"

Hendery chuckled at her and soon he realised something even better. He gasped dramatically.

"That means we're gonna match!"

She gasped as well, just like Hendery just did. 

"It does! Its gonna be so cute"

Hendery whined like a kid in a candy store.

"Let's do this!"

He held up his hand in the air for a high five. Y/n smirked at him and gave him the high five.



After all the hair washing, hair dyeing and waiting, Hendery was finally done with dyeing y/n's hair.

"Close your eyes, I'll tell you when to look"

Hendery said to y/n. A little "mhm" could be heard coming from her as she closed her eyes. He took the towel of her head revealing her now pink hair. He brushed her hair and smiled to himself, satisfied with the final look.

"Okay now open your eyes!"

She opened one eye first to get a look of her new hair color in the bathroom mirror. Her face soon broke into a big smile and she jumped into Hendery's arms.

"It's perfect"

She said with her head buried in his chest. He put his arms around her and patted her head softly.

"I'm glad you like it"

She looked up from his chest, arms still tight around his waist. 

"Now we can look like walking candy flosses together"

He smiled softly as he put a hand behind her head.

"That's right baby"

He leaned down and kissed her forehead softly. 

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