Lucas: Great moves (NCT)ッ

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Genre: Fluff 🐸

Lucas sighed as he wiped the sweat of his forehead. He soon began packing his bag.

Xiaojun, who was beside Lucas, took a sip from his water bottle before speaking up.

"You're going home to your apartment?"

He asked Lucas who threw his bag over his shoulder.

"Yeah, y/n is at home"

A smile grew on his face when he thought of her. Wayv had been at dance practice all day and Lucas just wanted to see y/n after a long day. Xiaojun smiled at Lucas and nodded.

"Tell her I said hi, will you? See you tomorrow!"

Lucas nodded.

"I will Xiaojun. Bye guys"

The rest of Wayv waved Lucas off as he walked out the door. He met up with a driver who then drove him home to his apartment, he shared with y/n.

Lucas reached the door, unlocked it before moving into the apartment.

"Babe i'm hom-"

Lucas stopped in his tracks when he saw his girlfriend dancing around the living room while singing Moonwalk. She had headphones on, and she had closed eyes so she didn't notice he was there. 

"Moonwalkin', moonwalkin'"

She sang out loud with the remote control in her hand, imagining it being a microphone. Lucas just stood there, adoring her as she jumped on their couch while singing along. 

"She's crazy"

He mumbled to himself while smiling. When the song was over she stopped dramatically just like if she was in a music video and Lucas clapped loudly, catching y/n attention right away. Her eyes widened at the sight of him.

"Jesus Lucas! You scared me!"

She exclaimed getting off the couch, while placing a hand over her beating heart. Lucas chuckled as he walked over to her.

"Great moves baby"

He put a hand under her chin and kissed her lips lovingly. When they pulled away again y/n chuckled at him.

"Did you miss me today?"

She asked teasingly. Lucas ruffled her hair before embracing her into a tight hug.

"Is that even a question?"

Y/n smiled.

"I guess not"

Lucas let go of the hug again, kissed y/n's cheek and walked into the kitchen. Y/n followed him like a little puppy. He looked in the freezer, but his happy expression soon got replaced by a confused one.

"Y/n, where's the chocolate ice cream we bought yesterday?"

He turned to her. Y/n's eyes widened at his words and she looked down on the ground.

"I may have eaten it"

"Did you eat it without me?!"

He looked at her with a "are you serious" face. She laughed awkwardly.


"Come here you traitor!"

He playfully exclaimed as he moved towards her. Y/n giggled while she ran as fast as her legs could to get away from Lucas.

An - I just realised that I forgot to write that Xiaojun said hi lol. I hope you don't mind tho. Have a lovely day and keep smiling😉

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