Park Jisung: Help (NCT)ッ

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Genre: Fluff🕸

Y/n stood in front The SM Entertainment building's doors debating whether just to go home again or to walk in there and try to find Jisung.

"Fuck it"

Y/n mumbled under her breath as she began walking in the big building. When she entered through the big doors her eyes immediately landed on the man placed behind a desk. She assumed it was the receptionist and so she walked towards him.

"Hi. Im looking for NCT Dream's practice room"

"And who are you?

The man asked while looking suspiciously at her. Then she remembered that Jisung had told her just to be honest.

"Im Park Jisung's girlfriend sir"

"Ahhh I see. Just take the elevator up to the 4th floor and then walk straight till you see the door where it says "NCT Dream" and you're there"

The man said smiling at y/n.

"Thank you so much"

She said and began moving towards the elevator. But as she did a boy, probably around her and Jisung's age with tanned skin, also entered the elevator. He smiled at her and she smiled back. It was just the two of them in the elevator.

"Are you new around here? I have never seen you before"

The boy suddenly asked y/n who looked at him for a moment before answering his question.

"Oh, i'm just visiting someone"

"I see"

He was silent for a moment.

"Sooo are you single?"

Y/n's eyes widened at his quite direct question. But as she was about to anwser his question she noticed that she was at the 4th floor and the doors to the elevator began opening. She mumbled a quick "Excuse me" as she walked out of the elevator and began moving down the long hallway.

She looked over her shoulder only to see the boy from the elevator following her down the hall so she began walking faster. But as she did she crashed into someone.


Y/n recognised the voice and she looked up to see who she crashed into. Her eyes light up at the sight.


He smiled and wrapped his arms around her small figure in front of him. She wrapped her arms around his waist.

"You know her hyung?"

The boy from the elevator asked while looking confused at the sight in front of him. Jisung giggled at his facial expression.

"Haechan meet my girlfriend, y/n"

Haechan was in shock.

"THIS IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND?! How she is so pretty?"

Y/n blushed at Haechan'a words. Jisung on the other hand was now irritated at Haechan.

"Yeah she is so stop hitting on her!"

Haechan lifted his hands up in the air in defense.

"Fine fine i'll stop"

"Thank you"

Jisung said while looking sternly at Haechan. Y/n put her hand on his arm and looked up at him.

"Calm down baby. He didn't try anything"

She said and that calmed him down. The door to the hallway suddenly swung open revealing Mark, Jeno, Chenle, Renjun and Jaemin.


They all yelled in unison with big smiles on their faces. Y/n turned to them with a smile. All the boys then ran towards her and group hugged her. Haechan was still standing there confused.

"You all knew about her?"


They replied Haechan. He turned to Jisung.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend Jisung?"

"So you wouldn't hit on her"

Jisung simply replied.

"Oh come on! Help out a single man here!"

Haechan yelled and they all laughed at his outburst.

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