Haechan: Gamers (NCT)ッ

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Genre: Fulff and comedy👣

"And what do i do now?"

Y/n asked with the controller in her hands as she stared blankly at the screen in front of her. Her back pressed against Haechan's chest. Haechan sighed from behind her.

"I just told you. Walk by moving the right stick thingy forward"

He put his arms around her figure between his legs and put his hands around hers on the controller to guide her fingers to the right buttons. Y/n's face turned into a bright smile when she figured out how to do the basics. She turned her face to Haechan behind her.

"Now how do I shoot?"

He giggled at her as he taught her how to shoot the other online players and how to dodge an enemy's bullets.

"With the help from the best teacher in the universe, you're now ready to absolutely destroy the dreamies in an online game"

Haechan said with an evil grin plastered on his face.

"Let's slash them!"

Y/n yelled as she threw a fist into the air. Haechan kissed her cheek.

"That's the spirit baby"

Haechan then invited the dreamies to a game and Chenle, Jeno, Renjun and Jaemin soon accepted the invite.

"You wanna speak to them as you play?"

Haechan asked her. She nodded with a excited smile.


Y/n could hear Chenle.

"Hi! Who's ready to get murdered by me?"

She spoke into the headsets microphone. A scoff could be heard from Renjun's line.

"I'll gladly watch you try and fail y/n"

"She's gonna split you in two bro i'm just telling you"

Jaemin spoke and Jeno agreed soon after.

"She is Haechan's girlfriend after all"

Y/n and Haechan both giggled at Renjun's stupid comment.

"First of all Renjun: NEVER underestimate a female's gaming skills. Second: Let's get started already!"

Y/n said confidently into the headset. Haechan gave her a high five before whispering "Destroy those assholes baby, you got this" into her right ear that wasn't covered by the gigant headset.

Y/n nodded confidently as the game started, and the massacre began.



Chenle yelled unsatisfied as he watched y/n get her fifth win in a row. She rolled her eyes at his words.

"Oh shut up will you"

"Chenle I know i'm a good teacher, you don't need to put it that way"

Haechan said mockingly into the microphone as he smirked at y/n. She giggled at his comment.

"So same time tomorrow orrr?"

Y/n asked Jaemin, Jeno and Chenle. Renjun left the game when y/n killed him for the fourth time. What a bad loser.


They all yelled at the same time, even Jeno.

"Fine! You're not worthy competitors anyways"

Y/n suddenly snapped at them.

"Yessss baby! Tell em!"

Haechan cheered loudly for her before placing a kiss on her lips.

An - Hello:D Are you ready for NCT dream's come back? I'm not lol😩😩

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