Na Jaemin: How you like that? (NCT) ッ

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Genre: Good Old Fluff, oh and kinda comedy🤌🏻


Y/n sang as she danced to the music booming from the stereos on the wall.

She was currently at SM Entertainment waiting for Jaemin to be done with his practice for today. She was not allowed to stay in the practice room while he danced so she stayed in a empty dance room. She soon decided to dance to some loud music since she was alone in the room.

Some managers soon heard the music and decided to check out what was going on in the dance room. When they got to the room they got quiet a shock.

"You gon' like that, that-that-that-that, that-that-that-that!"

There y/n was, singing and dancing to the loud music with her eyes closed. She didn't notice them until the music suddenly stopped and she stopped dancing.

"Hey! I was having a moment!"

Y/n yelled in frustration, but when she saw the managers, she quickly grew silent.

"Excuse me miss, but who are you and why are you here?"

A mad looking manager asked the quiet startled girl.

"I'm ummm... Y/n, and I'm here to wait for Na Jaemin, my boyfriend, to be done with practice for today"

Y/n answered nervously. The managers sighed and one of them took out a phone and said.

"Can you tell Jaemin to come to practice room 12 please?"

Y/n just stood there in the middle of the danceroom looking at the managers. Moments after Jaemin appeared in the door with a slightly confused look on his face.

"Jaemin, do you know this girl?"

Jamin looked at the managers while a smirk appeared on his face.

"This girl, as you call her, is my beautiful and weird girlfriend"

Y/n smiled in satisfaction as she saw the look on the managers faces. Jamin pushed through the managers and walked towards y/n with his arms opened.

"Hi baby"

He said as he embraced his girlfriend placing his chin on the top of her head. The managers left the room, still quite surprised.

"Thank you for saving me from those people. They are scary"

Y/n mumbled into Jaemin's chest. He smiled.

"I know. Now you wanna go home hmmm?"

She looked up from his chest and smiled widely.

"Yeah! Let's go"

She wiggled breaking the hug. She then grabbed his hand and then the couple left SM Entertainment together.

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