Zhong Chenle: Babysitting (NCT)ッ

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Genre: Fluff☺️


No answer.


Y/n still didn't get an answer. Y/n sighed and rolled her eyes.


"Yeah baby?"

Chenle finally answered his girlfriend.

"I hope you don't have any plans today baby"

"No I don't. Should I be worried?"

He asked.

"Nope it's just...ihavetobabysitmybrothersthreeyearoldchildandidontwanttodoitalone!"

Y/n said the last part incredibly fast, but Chenle understood it surprisingly.

"Oh okay... Well we should get ready then?"

She looked at him with a happy expression on her face.

"Thank you!"

She said excited. Chenle chuckled at her words.

"Of course baby. I don't want you to be left in your own"

"Awww! Well she is a polite and cute kid so don't worry. She is going to arrive in about three hours"

"Okay then let's get ready shall we?"

Y/n nodded in agreement and then the two of them began to get ready.


The doorbell rang loudly but y/n was already at the front door ready to greet her older brother and little Dae. She opened the door to find her brother standing with Dae on his arm both with big smiles on their faces.


Dae yelled and instantly made grabby hands towards y/n as soon as she saw her. Dae was given to y/n by her brother.

"Hi baby"

Y/n said to Dae who giggled at the nickname she was given by her unnie.

"Sorry, I have to get going again. Thank you for watching over her today"

"Of course! She is such a sweet heart sooo no worries. Me and Chenle are gonna watch over her"

Y/n replied smiling at her brother.

"Okay then bye baby. Be nice okay? And bye y/n"


Y/n and Dae yelled at y/n's brothers car that was now leaving them by them selves.

"Sooo Dae I have someone special to introduce you to today"

"Who Unnie! Who!?"

Dae yelled with sparkling eyes. Y/n giggled at her little excited expression.

"His name is Chenle anddd he is Unnie's boyfriend"

"Unnie's boyfriend? Where is Chenie?"

Just as y/n was about to answer her, Chenle walked through the living room door but soon stopped to look at Dae with a smile on his face.

"You must be Dae. I'm Chenle. Nice to meet you"

Chenle said reaching a hand out to Dae who looked at him with a confused face that soon turned into a big smile.

"Hi Chenie-oppa. My name is Dae. I'm three years old and I like animals, the color pink and I love Unnie"

Dae said while shaking Chenle's hand smiling. Chenle laughed at her little introduction.

"Then we have something in common. I love your Unnie too"

Dae gasped while her gaze shifted between Chenle and y/n.

"You do!?"

Dae yelled at Chenle.

"Yes I do. Very much actually"

Dae smiled cheered and ran up to hug Chenle's legs tightly.

"Thank you for loving her Chenie!"

Y/n and Chenle laughed at her little remark.

"Now now I think we should prepare the food now. Dae you can sit on the kitchen counter while we prepare the food"

Dae replied with a little 'Okay Unnie' And with that they began to prepare the food.


"So you're telling me that the first time you met y/n-Unnie, you knew you loved her?"

Dae asked Chenle in awe.

"Yes I did. You know she is a really special girl to me"

Chenle answered smiling at y/n while holding her hand under the table.

"Wow that's amazing"

Dae said still in awe by the couple in front of her.

They soon cleaned up the table and decided to watch a movie together on the big sofa in the living room.

"Sooo do you want popcorn, candy or both?"

Chenle asked Dae who was currently a little tired.

"Hmmm both!"

"Of course"

Chenle chuckled at her little outburst. They then moved to the sofa where y/n was sitting already with blankets and pillows. Chenle picked up Dae and placed her in between himself and y/n. Soon they began to watch a romance movie.


"It was soooo romantic when he kissed her under the cherry bloom tree and and when they got married at the end"

Dae continued to talk about the movie after it was done and y/n and Chenle kinda admired it. But it was getting late and they agreed on putting Dae to bed so Chenle Carried her to her bed and soon they also went to bed.


Y/n asked Chenle who were half asleep at the moment.


"Do you think we would be good parents?"

Y/n asked biting down at her lip nervously, waiting for his answer. Chenle slowly turned to y/n with a smile on his face.

"Y/n l/n, I'm sure that we would be the greatest parents in the world okay so don't worry about it"

Chenle slowly leaned towards her and kissed her lips softly which made y/n blush madly. But then they heard giggling from the hall way and they also heard Dae's little voice saying.

"Just like in the movie"

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