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I brought the kids with me to the airport as Rashads mother was coming in as I was going out

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I brought the kids with me to the airport as Rashads mother was coming in as I was going out. We were sitting down waiting on her to come off the flight.

"Don't get on y'all grandma nerves" i told them

Noel chuckled "Mom we're gonna be fine. Just bring daddy back"

"You not gonna miss me?" I asked

LA jumped in my lap "I'm gonna miss you mommy"

"Awww Pooh imma miss you too" i said holding him kissing his cheeks

"Grandmas babiiiiiees!" Rashads mom said greeting the kids

They took off running towards her hugging her. I got up hugging her as well.

"Hey Mama J" i greeted her "Thanks for coming last minute"

"No problem. I was at home doing nothing anyway and I'm always happy to see my babies"

"Be good sweeties" I said kissing Noel and LA faces "We'll be back soon. It's late, make sure y'all shower and go straight to bed"

I hugged them one last time before heading to my gate. I got on my plane and waited for it to take off.


"Baby!" I said speed walking over to him as he leaned on his truck "I missed you"

He pulled me into his arms hugging me "I missed you too mamas"

He kissed me before letting me go and grabbing my bag putting in the backseat. I got in the passenger seat and he drove off to his hotel.

"Awww look at my baby" i said rubbing his head and back "Does that hurt?"

He squinted his eyes like he was in pain.

"I'm straight" he said "Just glad to have you by my side"

I smiled as I let him drive. We pulled up to the hotel and he got my stuff out the back and we walked to our room hand in hand.

"Imma shower to get this airport funk off me" i said before letting his hand go

It was nearly 2am and I could really hit the bed but I knew i needed this shower. I washed over my body  coming out in my towel.

"Come here, come lay with me" Rashad said

I did as told letting my towel drop to the floor and getting in the bed with him. I laid my head on his chest and draped my leg across his.

"Man i just can't even believe Trip today" he said

I sighed "Well babe, you did just kinda barge in and start making demands and changing shit"

I could feel him looking down at me.

"He was running the shit I BUILT into the ground" he said getting upset

I sat up "hey hey hey pipe down. I'm not Trip. I'm just saying, i know you probably didn't come up here with a nice attitude"

"It's a drug empire A. I'm not supposed to be walking round' with a smile" he said

I squeezed his cheeks baby talking him "My wittle big scary drug dealer"

He shoo'd my hand away from him "Mannnnn you always playing"

"Your just so tense" i said giggling "This situation has you so upset"

I laid my head back on his chest sliding my hand up his thigh to his manhood. I listened to his heart rate speed up as began rubbing it and circling my finger around the tip.

He began to fidget before letting out a groan. His grip on my booty tightened. I had him right where i wanted him, standing at attention.

"Maybe you could put some of that energy into me" I leaned up whispering in his ear seductively

I kissed his ear, neck, and chest down to the band of his boxers. I pulled them down as he sprang out of them. I licked my lips before kissing the tip. He watched me closely as I kept kissing it.

I ran my tongue down the sides and he moaned "A come on"

He was feigning for it. I did as told taking it into my mouth bobbing my head up and down. He helped me by holding my hair out of my face.

"Damn Amour" he groaned "Suck that shit"

I did as told pulling all my tricks out the bag for this. I felt his body jolt and that's when he pulled back.

"I can't nut yet baby, i gotta fuck you" he said getting up "Lay yo ass down"

I bit my lip doing as told. He spread my legs open bending kissing my slit. Whew I missed this man!

He licked on it getting it all nice and wet.

"Mmmmm baby"I moaned as He sat up and he began rubbing my sweet spot in circles with the tip of his manhood. He knew how much this feeling drove me crazy.

"You miss this?" He asked teasing me

I nodded biting my bottom lip again. He slid himself in causing me to gasp. He held my legs open wide as he pumped in and out of me.

"You so wet A" he groaned out

He tried to slow down and I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him to me. We started kissing and fucking until we both finished.

Rashad laid beside me "so that's why you was ready to come out here" he chuckled

I rolled my eyes "Boy shut up and go get me a rag"

He did as told before going to take a shower. I took one after him and finally laid down to actually go to sleep. Rashad was holding onto me damn near in a head lock.

"Babe your holding me a lil tight" i said trying to get comfortable

He pulled me closer to him, making himself more comfortable "Good"

Before I knew it he was out like a light, snoring. Well i guess I'll be sleeping uncomfortably tonight.

I felt like we hadn't had a sex scene in awhile.

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