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I had a smooth ass hotel room set up at the Four Seasons downtown

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I had a smooth ass hotel room set up at the Four Seasons downtown. Since the kids with my mom and I knew Amour would be fucked up by the time she left the club so I figured, why not.

"Wake up mamas" i said shaking her "We gotta go get the kids"

She turned away from me "The kids are fine, lay yo ass down"

I smacked my lips getting up. Her ass don't never wanna wake up. I took a shower threw on a Nike tech and grabbed my keys.

As soon as she heard my keys she popped up "Where you going?"

I chuckled "I got business to take care. You chill, I'll send Talia to come get you"

She smacked her lips "Not getting into old shit?"

I ignored her question "I love you"

She snatched the covers up "I love you too nigga. Be safe"

"Always am." I walked out the hotel and called Trip

He said him and Ty was at the spot so I went ahead and headed over there.

"So what's the word?" I asked walking inside

Ty shrugged "Lil niggas still out and about. On our corners."

I was in a deep thought as I looked down at my phone "Look, I'm tired of talking to these lil niggas already"

"So what we finna do Rashad?" Ty asked

"Rashad? Nigga I'm trynna run this shit" Trip said clearly on a power trip

I smacked my lips "Bro if you was running shit, we wouldn't be here. I'd be in Texas, not thinking about the streets"

"Man I'm trynna do the best I can" Trip said standing up

"Well nigga step fucking harder" I said standing up too

This nigga don't wanna fight me. This my brother but I'll do him dirty in this office.

"Both of y'all sit the fuck down. Bout to fight like like two damn females" Ty said standing in the middle of us "Looking like damn Amour and Karter"

Me and Trip laughed "Shut the fuck up Ty"

"Man Trip, i get it, I put you in charge. But i know this shit. You had your chance to clean this shit up" I said

He sighed shaking his head "Ite"

He stuck out his hand "Welcome back to the streets nigga"

I laughed dapping him up "It's good to be fucking back"

Trips phone rang and he answered it "Hello"

Whoever was on the other side of the phone was talking loud and fast.

"Ite we coming"

"Who is that?" Ty asked

"P. He talking bout some niggas pulled up on him. We need to go see what he talking bout"  he said grabbing his keys

I smacked my lips grabbing mine. We headed out to P's place. We walked inside as the bitches walked out.

"Look at what the Grim Reaper brought in" P said laughing "Man Rashad and Ty i thought y'all niggas fell off Earth"

"Keep it that way" I said dapping him up "Whats the word?"

"These three niggas in they lil sister jeans rolled up on me at the shop. Talking bout trynna get in on our moves and talking wild" he said

Ty say down "Talking wild?"

"Crazy." P said "And asking bout the connect"

"You ain't tell them shit did you?" I asked

He chuckled "Man I'm locked down like a vault. I ain't tell them nothin. But they smell like trouble"

"Don't do business with them. They swing around to you again, let Trip know. We'll be back round"

He nodded "Bet that."

"Keep yo head on a swivel nigga" i said dapping him up again

He nodded "Send my love to Amour"

I nodded. Ty and Trip dapped him up and then we left and went to A's restaurant. We sat around talking while we waited on our food.

"This finna start some shit" Trip said "What's the plan?"

"Imma be back in Chicago in a few days. Letmme take A and the kids home. Talk Amour off my ass. And then imma back" I said "We gone deal with this shit quickly"

Ty sighed "Talia gone kick my ass!"

He rubbed his head "Man I'll be back in a few days too"

"You need me to go with you when you break the news to Talia?" Trip said joking

"Nigga you laughing" Ty said "But Imma really need backup, she gone jump on my ass"

"You better toss Talia lil ass around and tell her to shut the hell up" I said laughing

Ty raised his eyebrow "Yeah Nigga, like that's what you doing to A. Amour gone beat yo ass too nigga"

"Imma buy her some shit and she be alright" I said brushing it off chuckling

"Well once y'all get off lockdown. Then what?" Trip asked

I shrugged "We gonna shake these niggas. Run they asses dry"

"We getting our hands dirty?" Ty asked

"Hell nah. Just time to really get back on the street" I said looking between them

Ty and Trip smiled. We was back out on the streets again. We finna turn the city upside down again.

They back in the streets!

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