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Amour got the kids ready for school and I took they lil bad ass to school

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Amour got the kids ready for school and I took they lil bad ass to school. I just left her for her to get back in the bed and get some rest.

"Daddy you gonna pick us up?" Noel asked as I pulled up to the school

I nodded "Yeah, and imma take y'all to practice so y'all can leave mommy alone"

"Walk your brother to class Noel" i instructed her as I pulled up the car drop off line

She nodded opening the door. She helped Loyal out the car and put his book bag on his back.

"Y'all be good! I love y'all!" I said out the window as Noel shut the door

They smiled waving before walking to the school building. I was about to pull off when a lady waved me down. I rolled my window down.

She greeted me with a smile "You must be Mr. Johnson, Noel's dad? I'm Ms. Harris"

She stuck out her hand and I shook it "Yeah. Is there something I can help you with?"

She shook her head "I'm one of the teachers that gets to work with Noel and I just want you to know she's a GREAT kid. She's so smart"

I smiled. That's my baby girl.

"I just had never met her father and wanted to make myself acquainted" she said smiling "You know the kids have a school party on Friday and we'd love if you could come and bring some little snacks and help out with the other parents"

I could already see shortys mind going.

"Friday? I'll have to see what me and my wife have planned that day and WE will come" i told her nodding

Her face twisted up as soon as i dropped the word wife.

She stood straight up "Oh.......well yeah. That'll be nice. Thanks"

I nodded before rolling my window up as she stood there looking stupid. I sped off back to the house. I walked inside.

"Baby!" I yelled looking for Amour

She ain't respond so she must be upstairs sleep. I walked up to the bedroom and she wasn't back in bed. I looked around and found her bent over in the towel closet.

"A you ain't hear me call yo name?" I asked

She didn't even look up. She got her headphones on. I creeped up behind her, pressing my print up against her booty.

Once she felt that she jumped bumping her head on the shelves.

"Ow fuck! Rashad you plan too damn much!" She yelled as she rubbed her head "Got a fucking headache now "

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