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Rashad has been on my ass since today is the day we're going to go up to the school for Noel's class party

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Rashad has been on my ass since today is the day we're going to go up to the school for Noel's class party. The man is a walking hot head. We also leave today to go to Chicago for the funeral and Mama J is coming to watch the kids.

"Babe! What time your mom fly into the airport?" I called out to him as I perfected my makeup in the mirror

I heard him coming into the room and he poked his head in the bathroom "I don't know. She said she'd call when she landed. Imma just send a car to get her"

"Okay" I nodded

"A car will get her and then security will let her in the house. She'll be back when we bring the kids back." He said

"Think I'm doing too much with the heels?" I asked twirling around

He chuckled "You look good. But we gonna be with the kids and water. Sooooo you really wanna wear heels?"

I thought for a moment "Your right! I'll change"

He groaned "Baby we supposed to be leaving"

"I know i know! I'll be quick though I already have an idea of what imma wear!" I said as I ran into my closet kicking off heels and snatching off my jeans.

I through on some black leggings pairing it up with some yeezy. I grabbed my purse and sunglasses heading downstairs.

"Finally ready" Rashad asked heading towards the garage door

"Shut up" i said following behind him

We got in the car and I sung city girl songs annoyingly the whole way to the school. As soon as we parked Rashad cut the car off.

"I got a headache i ain't even been around the kids yet" he complained

I rolled my eyes "Get the shit and cut the complaining"

He did as told as we walked into the school. We checked in at the office getting visitor passes. A little boy with a safety patrol vest on lead us to where the kids were.

"Your Noel's mommy?" He asked

I nodded "Yeah"

"Your pretty" he giggled

"Awwww thank you" i said smiling at him

Rashad sucked his teeth "Keep yo eyes on the floor"

I chuckled rolling my eyes. As we entered the classroom, Noel noticed us and took off running to Rashad.

"Well shit hey my child" I said laughing

She laughed "Hey mom"

"Come on come on daddy! I want you to meet my friends" she dragged Rashad away from me

She's So Stuck Up 4 |A Hood Love Story|Where stories live. Discover now