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"Bitch I'm tired of these niggas

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"Bitch I'm tired of these niggas. Think they can just leave us with the kids while they go be hood rats" Talia said on the phone

I was trying to get the kids to bed and listen to her rant at the same.

"T, you know what we're married to. Shit you been around these niggas longer than I have so you know fr" i told her

I snapped my fingers at Noel "What the hell is all this?"

"Daddy brought me some stuff back from Chicago" she said innocently

I sighed. Of course he did.

"Please pick it up and put it in your closet NEATLY. Put that phone on the charger and get in the bed, you have school in the morning" i told her "Im going to put LA in bed. Don't be in the same spot making Tik toks when i get back" i told her walking out

"Girl i don't even argue with these kids anymore now that they Daddy home. They up in they game room with Ty playing on that Xbox. I done told them to go to bed. I'd be wrong if i go unplug that shit" Talia said laughing

"And you know you'd be wrong" i said laughing

"Come on LA, lets get in the bed" i said and then i noticed the pile of new shit in his room

How am I gonna keep shit organized if everytime I turn around Rashad buying shit when we have nowhere to put the old shit.

"Pick this stuff up daddy got you. Put in your closet with the other shoe boxes" i said sitting on his bed

"Talia Letmme get my kids together. I'll call you tomorrow, kiss my babies for me" i said

"Okay bye girl. Kiss the kids for ME" she before hanging up

I tucked my phone in my sports bra as LA came and jumped in my lap. I laughing putting him in the bed. I put the covers over him.

"Goodnight papa. I love you" i said kissing his forehead

"Goodnight mommy. I love you too" he said turning on his side

I plugged in his Spider-Man night light and cracked his door. I walked back down the hall to Noel's room.

"Daddy that looks like a little boy would wear that" Noel said looking at clothes Rashad had pulled out her closet to wear to school tomorrow

"Good" he said laughing

"Come on girl, get in bed" i said chuckling at them both

She plugged up her phone and hopped in the bed.

"Mommy will you fix my clothes?" She asked

I covered her in the covers and nodded "Yes, i won't let daddy let you walk out the house like that"

"Goodnight Princess. We love you" i said getting up

Noel smiled "I love you too mommy and daddy"

I grabbed something different out for her to wear school. I grabbed Rashad's hand as we walked out the door. As soon as I shut the door Rashad swung me over his shoulder carrying me to the room.

"Hey why is Blue's bed out in the hallway" i pointed to the dog bed

"Shhhhh you worried about the wrong shit" He kicking the door shut and then tossed me on the bed

"Oop" i said raising my eyebrow

He took off his shirt before coming to me and stripping me outta my clothes. I tugged at the waist
Of his sweatpants as he kissed on my body. We both just missed and craved each other bodies and I could tell.

After hours of naked wild sex, we both showered. I was in the bathroom trying to tame my now curly hair and Rashad was going on our balcony to smoke.

"I give up" i said walking out the balcony "You just gonna have to love this curly mane"

He looked back at me smiling and his smiled faded as soon as he saw Blue in my hands.

"Man that dog being held more than me" He said smoking his blunt

I put Blue down laughing "shut the hell up"

I straddled his waist and laid my head on his shoulder. He played in my hair and rubbed on my booty with his free hand.

"Here" he said shaking his shoulder a little

I sat up taking the blunt from his hand. I started smoking it. The feeling of the smoke in my lungs felt amazing.

"Your chinky ass" Rashad said laughing at me

"Shut up" i said passing the blunt back "Rashad i had a dream while you were gone that this shit-"

I guess he could already see the worry and scaredness in my face. He pulled me close.

"Amour, I told you, I'm safe. I'm always be safe and imma always come back home to you and the kids" he assured me

I sighed. All i could was trust him and know that he's safe.

"Okay" i breathes out "I love you"

He chuckled "I love you too big ass baby"


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