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"Noel get your ass in the car" i said chuckling

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"Noel get your ass in the car" i said chuckling

She was hanging out the door waving at her little friends.

She's like her father, everybody likes her and wanna be her friend. She just be smiling and cackling with everybody.

"I'm not waving at you!" She yelled at this little boy

But she's mean like me sometimes.

"Sorry mom i had to say bye to my friends" she shut the door putting on her seat belt

"Mommy where daddy?" Loyal asked

I looked up in the rear view mirror "Remember daddy had to go back to help uncle Ty and uncle Trip out in Chicago. He'll be back soon"

"Lolo you know daddy is always gone" Noel said as she looked at her phone phone

This is what I be telling Rashad about. The kids see and notice these things. And though they don't say anything negative about it, they still notice it.

"Well that's alright because guess what? We're gonna go pick us out a puppy!" I said sounding excited

LA screamed with excitement. The kids and I talked about their day at school and how this puppy was their responsibility.

We pulled up to the dog place and I helped LA out his car seat as Noel about broke her neck running to the front door. We walked inside and was greeted by a very happy mid aged black lady. Support your black businesses, OKAY!

"Hi! I'm Angie the manager here at PuppyParadise. What can i help you all with today?" She said

I smiled "I called earlier, my kids are looking for a puppy for us to adopt"

She smiled "Well that's great! We offer a big variety of dogs to choose from big and small. Some that stay small, some that grow big. Walk around the puppies are all out, and if you see one you wanna interact with just let me know and I'll get them out for you"

I nodded "Thank you so much"

I let the kids go as they walked up to all the different puppy cages and play areas. They fell in love with every puppy they saw. I had to make it very clear we'd only be leaving with ONE puppy.

"Mommy this the one" Noel said pointing the puppy

I rolled my eyes smiling "You've said that about all of them"

I led them over to an empty puppy play area. I sat them down on the floor as we waited for Angie to come in with the puppy they decided on. LA sat in my lap cause he was scared a little bit.

"Here he is" Angie said bring the puppy in sitting it in the ground "This is a blue nose pit bull. He's a baby. These puppies are very affectionate, athletic, and loyal. I know pit bulls have a bad reputation but these dogs are so loving when they have the right family"

"Look LA" i said petting the puppy softly "He won't bite you, sit with sissy so I can talk to Angie"

I sat him with Noel "Watch him"

She nodded playing with the puppy "Ok ok ok"

I stepped to the side and listened to Angie talk to me about all the aspects of the dog and pricing of it. Chile these damn dogs ain't cheap.

I smiled following her out of the playpen "We wanna adopt that puppy"

She smiled back "That's Great. He seems to really take to your family"

I bought a leash and some other things along with the dog. She gave me vet information and a birth certificate for the dog. I got the kids and slid the leash on the dog.

"Come on lets take him home" i said putting him in the dog carrier "Don't drop this carrier Noel"

She took it from me as her and LA ran off to the car. I got everybody in and we headed home. I ordered some pizza for us to eat for dinner cause i did not feel like cooking.

"Okay so what we gonna name our puppy?" I asked

The kids argued back and forth the whole ride home, literally.

"Hey hey hey! I'm about to pick the name in a minute" i said snapping my fingers at them as I parked in the garage

"His name is gonna be blue mommy" Noel said

I smiled looking back at her "That's a good name kids. Go inside, wash up and come back downstairs to eat"

They nodded and we all headed inside the house. I took the pizza boxes outside to our patio and brought the puppy out. I went and washed my hands grabbing my phone to text Rashad.

Meet our new baby, Blue💙

I stuck my phone back in my pocket sitting down at the table fixing the kids plates

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I stuck my phone back in my pocket sitting down at the table fixing the kids plates. I got LA in his chair and we all sat down eating the pizza. All the kids attention was on the dog. After they ate, I let them run around with the dog.

"Hey hey hey let's take baths, and do homework so we can go get into bed and go to school tomorrow" I said standing up

Noel bottom lip poked out and she started whining "But mooooommy"

"Hey hey hey what I just say. We can't keep Blue if we not doing good in school and not listening" i said

She dropped her head "Okay I'm going"

"Take your brother with you" i said pointing to LA

She grabbed his hand and walked into the house. I grabbed the boxes bringing them in the house. Blue was right on my heels. I threw it all away wiped the tables down.

I plopped down down on the couch turning on the Tv and taking out my phone texting Talia and Rashad, i heard the puppy whining.

"Oh no sir, your ass does not go on this couch" i said

He kept whining. I picked him up sitting him in my lap.

"Don't start whining like them kids" i said petting him

He curled up on my stomach and chest. Well this the most affection I'm getting since Rashad is in Chicago, so I better enjoy it.

The new dog is so cute!

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