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I had flew Amour home a couple days ago to give my mom a quick break and to prepare Noel for a dance she had at school

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I had flew Amour home a couple days ago to give my mom a quick break and to prepare Noel for a dance she had at school. It was this really big formal father daughter dance and i had been telling her weeks I wasn't gonna be able to make it due to work, when actually imma just surprise her!

"What time lil shorty dance?" Ty asked

I looked up from texting Amour "It's a 6, that's why i gotta get my ass home on time"

"Nigga Imma get you there on time don't get your panties in a wad" he said shooing me

He sped through the city racing to get me to the airport.

"When you and T leaving?" I asked as we pulled up to the airport

"We got a 4:00 flight, so we gonna be here a lil while but you know we gonna stay in the room till it's time to go" he asked

I nodded "ite, be safe Nigga. Keep yo head on a swivel"

He dapped me up "oh you already know that. You be safe Nigga"

I grabbed my suitcase out his backseat shutting the door. I walked into the airport checking my bag and waiting for my flight to start boarding.

"Well shit Amour i already feel like a monkey in this damn suit" i complained

She rolled her eyes "And thats exactly how your acting, like a fucking monkey. Now stop complaining, it's for Noel"

"And that's the only reason why I'm doing this bullshit" I said huffing

Amour smiled "But you look so good in a suit"

I bit my bottom lip "Well take me out of it then Amour"

She giggled "Nigga don't start, it took me 30 minutes to get you in the suit AND i gotta go pick Noel up from her hair appointment so i can take her home and get her in her dress"

I rolled my eyes "We could've got a quickie in"

She grabbed her keys "Be there to pick your daughter up ON TIME"

"I will be there Amour!" I said

She nodded "You better! Cause if I have wipe tears onnnnnne more time today, i think imma cry"

She kissed me and then walked out of the suite i rented for the time for me to chill and get dressed. I propped myself up on the couch trying to take a nap before i had to to leave out




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