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Its been a couple days and it's been so nice to be all home together

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Its been a couple days and it's been so nice to be all home together. The kids love having Rashad home, I enjoy seeing them happy so it all works out.

"Blue i know your ass didn't just walk from outside and walk across my rug" i said putting my hands on my hips

He took off running upstairs. Damn dog know he does not belong on my white rug, ESPECIALLY when he just came from outside.

"Mommy! Mommy!" I heard LA yell as i heard him running into the kitchen

I scooped him up as he jumped in my arms "Hey fat man! Where's daddy?"

"Outside. Look!" He flashed me his shiny watch

My eyes got wide "Whoooooa! You sure your little wrist can hold up all that bling?" I giggled

He laughed "Mommy I'm strong!"

He tried to flex his nonexistent muscles. I laughed poking his stomach.

"Yes you are. Now go wash your hands and take those shoes off" i instructed him before he took running upstairs

Rashad walked in as if on cue. He kissed me.

"Hey beautiful" he smiled

I smiled "How was LA?"

"The boy got talent, he going to the NBA" he said chuckling

I laughed "He's just a kid, let's wait to see what he wants to do"

He grabbed my waist "The kids growing up maybe they moving out the way for another one"

"Boy I am not ready to push another one of your bowling ball size head kids out my cat. I juuust got my figure back" i said looking at him like he was crazy

"I like to see you with your big round belly" he said kissing on me

I pushed him off me "Nigga, Blue is your 3rd child. Go love on him"

He smacked his lips letting me go "Man fuck that dog"

I'm just not ready for another kid yet, especially with all the shit we got going on. Maybe after we handle this and everything settles down we can DISCUSS having another child.

"Mom!" Noel yelled coming down the steps

I sighed "Yes Noel?"

"What's for dinner?" She asked paying attention to  her phone

"I don't know yet Noel, why don't you come into the kitchen and help me" i suggested

She chuckled "Your so funny mommy" she walked away shaking her head

I ain't no damn joke. I was serious.

My phone rang and it was my uncle.

"Hello" i said stepping out of the ear shot of anybody

"Whenever your ready for that hit. I put some paperwork on ole girl at Mama A house"

"Nigga you went in my mama house? Are you fucking stupid?" I said getting upset

He chuckled "Calm down little one. I ain't crazy, i know yo moms house is off limits. Your dad made that real clear. I just put it inside, i didn't even step in"

"Okay cool. Preciate it." I said calming down

He chuckled "So you need a gun for this?"

"Nah I'm cool my hubby will give me one"

"Good. Always liked him. Make sure you call yo dad, he's more worried about you than you think"

I rolled my eyes "Uncle Cane imma call him. But you know you haven't been to my house or met my kids. And they're huge now"

He chuckled "It's better for everybody, if I stay a ghost. I'll pop up when needed"

I laughed "A ghost? Nigga please"

"I be watching you. Believe me, I'm everywhere, anywhere, and nowhere"

Rashad stepped outside "Who you talking to?"

I put my finger up at him "I gotta go, I love you Unc"

"Love you too princess" he said before hanging up

Rashad looked at me still confused.

"That was my Uncle Cane"

"The ghost?" He asked

I chuckled "He's not a fucking ghost"

"Well i ain't never seen the nigga. What he talking bout?"

"Got more info on ya girl. Looks like whenever your ready, we can clean house" i said

He stuffed his hands in his pockets "We gone do it sooner than you think"

"What you mean?" I asked

He sighed "I'm finna fly to Chicago. I gotta take this shit from Trip. He ain't got a grip on this shit"

"Does that mean your taking it back over?" I sighed out

He shook his head "Just for now. Till we finish this. Then imma give it to Colombians and let them run it with Trip. Cause he can't run it solo. That bitch got his head twisted up, sometimes he be on a power trip, other days he lost. And i ain't letting the shit I built go down cause he can't run it in tough times"

I ran my fingers through my hair "I'm going with you"

He held my hands "I need you here with the kids right now. Trust me, imma send for you when i need you"

"Rashad....." i said uneasy like

He kissed my forehead "I got it"

"Well what are you gonna tell the kids? They enjoy having you home so much" i told him

"Tell them what I always tell them. I gotta handle business and I'll be back soon." He said

I sighed "I hate having to pick up their sad faces when your gone"

"I'm not gonna be gone that long. We finna handle this mamas" he pulled me in his arms into a hug "Then we can get started on our third baby"

I pushed him off me laughing "Boy. I told you the dog is your third child"

It's been so long, i missed y'all!

Blow it with comments!


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