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I ain't been home in about a week and I'm ready to go back

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I ain't been home in about a week and I'm ready to go back. I miss my wife and kids. Noel texting asking me when I'm coming home. LA call me on his iPad all the time. Amour seem like she enjoying the dog more than the kids. I'm ready to get back.

"I gotta go home man" i said rubbing my head "Amour gonna kick my ass."

"Man these problem ain't solved" Trip said pacing

I rolled my eyes "These little niggas been quiet. When shit start up again, I'll be back. But imma end up a divorced man if i don't see me wife and kids soon"

"Talia has stopped answering my calls. I've booked my flight." Ty looked at this watch "My flight leaves in 3 hours"

"I can't believe y'all niggas!" Trip yelled

"Look! You and Karter are in this shit! Our family don't live here in Chicago no more, so we can't spend 24/7 here cleaning up your shit and keeping a wife and our kids happy" ty explained "We just need a couple days with our family before they disown us"

Trip ran his hand down his face "This some bullshit"

"Stop complaining like a bitch" I said standing up stretching "We'll be back"

I dapped Trip up "Stay up nigga. Keep yo head on a swivel"

He nodded "Know that"

Ty followed behind me. We left going to get our stuff from my mamas house and see what she was cooking for lunch.

"Ready to go back and be husbands and fathers now?" She said laughing

Ty sighed "I don't miss this street shit"

"Boy watch yo mouth" My mom popped him up side the head "And good! Maybe after all this is finished you'll stay your asses with y'all wives"

"I know i will" Ty said "But what about this clown?"

I smacked my lips "Man Amour will kill me i go back after this is over"

"At least you're know" My mom said walking out the kitchen

We ate our food and then she took us to the airport. Ty got on a flight a little earlier than mine. I sat down on my plane waiting on it to take off. I looked over building plans for the next club, this is what I need to be focused on.

|3 hours later|

"Daddy's home!" I said walking in the garage door

The kids took off running towards me, jumping on me.

"Damn i missed y'all lil niggas" i said kissing they heads "Where ya mama at?"

Noel smiled "In the kitchen. What'd you bring us?"

I put them down crossing my arms.

"Damn I brought yall me. I'm back" i said

Noel and LA looked at each other and then back at me.

"No really. What'd you bring us daddy?" She said giggling

I tossed their bag with some clothes and shoes i picked up while I was in Chicago.

"It might be something in there for y'all" i said smiling before throwing my duffle bag down and walking toward the kitchen

As soon as I hit the corner I seen Amour "Damn you look beautiful"

As i stepped closer to her The dog was barking at me like I was getting close to his wife.

"Aye man get this damn dog" I said chuckling

She picked Blue up giggling "Baby he's just not familiar with you"

She hugged me and gave me a kiss as the dog growled in her hands.

"Heeeeey be nice Blue. He paid for you" she said in a baby voice to the dog

I scrunched up my face "This lil nigga going outside"

Amour rolled her eyes "You are not gonna put our baby outside"

I got two babies, LA and Noel. This is a damn dog.

She put him down and dog came right to me sniffing me.

"He just has to get used to you, that's all." She smiled "How was the trip?"

I sighed "Same shit, different day. P funeral is next week. I was thinking you'd wanna go for Summer"

She nodded "Yeah I'll go. Maybe you're mom can come and watch the kids or?"

"Yeah I'll get her out here" i agreed

"So is this situation gonna be handled.....ya know quickly" she asked leaning on the counter

I sighed rubbing my head "I can only hope. We got business deals to finish and I'm canceling meetings cause i be in Chicago"

"Want me to go to your meetings?" She asked

"They outta the city and state and I know you like being with the kids especially when I'm not here" i said "I'm stressed out"

I dug around the kitchen looking for my bottle of Hennessy. Amour bent down in a cabinet and brought it out to me without even asking.

She sighed "It's going to be okay. I believe in you guys. It'll all work out"

She sashayed over to me "Now you drink on that. Food is in the microwave. I'll get the kids down for bed and then you can put me to bed"

I raised my eyebrow smirking "Hurry up"

She giggled and turned around. I smacked her ass as she walked out the kitchen. I turned to pour me more Hennessy and the dog was looking me in my face.

"Fuck is you looking at lil nigga" I said

He started barking.

"Rashad leave the damn dog alone!" Amour yelled from upstairs

I ain't touch the shit. The dog took off running up the stairs. He finna get a rude awakening cause ain't no spectators when I'm fucking Amour. He's gonna have to sleep in the hallway.

Y'all told me not to give up so imma push through this book. But y'all gotta give me a lot of comments because that's what keeps me writing.

The next update is coming.


She's So Stuck Up 4 |A Hood Love Story|Where stories live. Discover now