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"You're WHAT?!" I yelled

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"You're WHAT?!" I yelled

We had just got back home early from our flight. Noel was breaking her neck to get to her friends so we let her go. LA was in his room playing. Rashad finally broke the news to me that he was headed back to Chicago for "business".

"Man quit yelling" he said sitting down on the bench in our room "I gotta go back to handle business"

"Rashad what is going on"  i said standing in front of him with my arms crossed "And don't fucking lie"

He sighed "I gotta head back to the streets and I-"

"No" i said walking away

"No?" He got up and grabbed my arm bringing me back to him "Aint no 'no'. Amour this ain't up for discussion"

I yanked my arm away from him. I threw my hand up in his face showing my wedding ring.

"You see this?" I spread my arms out "You see this house? This was supposed to be our fresh start"


"We have TWO kids, our dream home, cars, we're living THE life. And you want to go back to the streets?" I said putting my hands on my hips

He sighed "Man you know if my boys need me, I gotta go back"

"So what about when I need you? Noel or LA need you? And your BACK in jail or worst"

"Nigga I'm always here when y'all need me! ALWAYS!" He said obviously getting upset

I smacked my lips "You run back to the streets like that's your home or something. That's not where you are anymore Rashad!"

"You don't think i fucking know that Amour!" He yelled "Yo you act like you don't know this lifestyle! This used to be you too!"



He made me so mad. I heard LA's little feet against the wood floors as he ran down the hallway. He pushed the door open and ran to my legs. He reached his arms up.

I bent down picking him up "Mommy's okay papa. Wanna go back and play?"

I kissed his forehead. He must've heard me screaming. He shook his head clutching onto my shirt. He was such a mamas boy.

I sighed looking at Rashad "When you learn the streets don't love you like the kids and I do, Maybe you'll stop running back to them"

I walked out the room leaving him standing there looking stupid. I stepped out the front door sitting on the porch steps, holding LA in my lap. I texted Noel that it was time to come home.

"Let's see how long it take Noel to walk from three houses over" i said to LA

He got off my lap grabbing his little basketball, playing in the driveway. Talia called me on FaceTime.

"What's up sis?" I said

"Tell me you cussed your nigga out too" she said

I rolled my eyes "I did. But does it make a difference?"

"Not to these hardheaded ass niggas" she sighed "When will they give this shit up? I'm tired of it"

"Me too girl. They gonna be 80 years old trynna jump back into the streets"

"With a fucking cane" she said laughing

"MOM!" Noel yelled standing at the security gate

"Girl punch the number in!" I yelled

"I forgot it!" She yelled back

"Girl Letmme call you back. Your god child gonna drive me insane" i said

She laughed "Ite girl"

I hung up bringing the security app up on my phone. I pushed the unlock button letting her in the gate.

"How you wanna start riding the bus home but can't remember the code to get in the gate" i said "You riding the bus doesn't sound to good"

"So y'all ARE considering letting me ride the bus?" She chuckled "Mommy imma start remembering it"

"I hope so" i said laughing

"Can we talk about the puppy though?" she asked

I rolled my eyes "I'll listen, you can talk"

She smiled a big smile and started begging "Pleeeeeeeease can we get it! Pleeeeeeeeease"

"What kind of dog is it Noel?" I asked sighing

She pulled out her phone showing me pictures "Daddy said we had to get a security dog, so we decided to get pit bull puppy"

She blinked her eyes at me giving me a puppy dog face.

"Girl that face only works on your daddy. And plus i taught you how to do the puppy dog face" i said making her laugh

She just kept smiling big "Please mom"

She was my first born, she always has a soft spot with me.

I sighed "Okay Noel"

"Yeeeeees!" She cheered

"BUT! You are gonna take care of this puppy. Keep it off my rugs, my couches and away from the food. You gonna take it for walks and clean up after it" i said

She nodded just agreeing to everything I saying.

"Dad's going out of town again, so when he leaves we'll go pick one out" i told her

She jumped up cheering "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Imma tell my friend!"

She ran in the house. I shook my head.

"Come on papa! Let's go get you in the tub" i said stretching out my hand

He ran to it grabbing it. I swung him around making him scream and giggle. I side eyed Rashad as we got further into the house.

Well that didn't go so well.

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