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I had Polo, while Ty and Trip had Jay

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I had Polo, while Ty and Trip had Jay. I stood inside a wooden cabin where the organization often met to discuss heavy topics and didn't want to have to worry about police, wire taps, or folks wearing wires. There was no signal and nobody within miles of this place.

"My bad Rashad. I had got caught up but I got yo bread" he said walking in flashing a wad of money

"Nah you good. I been chillin" I said

Some of the guys came and wrestled him to the ground.

"Man what the fuck going on?!" He yelled

I sighed walking outta the shadows "You ain't really think we was gonna work with you niggas did you?"

"Rashad what the fuck!" He yelled

"Y'all tried to take over what I built. Tried to sell us out to the feds" i said squatting down to his level "But it all failed"

"See when you run an organization like this. You gotta have connects all over. Connects you couldn't imagine. I know every move yall made and thought about making" I told him

He looked at me with hate in his eyes.

"And i could've killed y'all and y'all families." I stood up straight "But imma changed man. Got a family of my own, so I tend to think about other folks families"

One of my guys stepped inside nodding at me. That was my cue to let me know that Ty and Trip had handled their guy.

"So I'll just kill you and let yo family plan yo funeral if they ever find your body out here" I pulled my gun from my waist band aiming it at his head

"WAIT NOOOO-" he screamed as i pulled the trigger

CJ walked up to me with a baggy "Put it in here boss"

I dropped the gun in the bag removing my gloves handing it to them.

"Y'all know what to do" i said before putting on my hood and leaving out the cabin.

Their job was to now plant Kentrell fingerprints all over the cabin, take the money and gun and plant it somewhere Kentrell has access to, wipe any trace of me and them from the cabin.

I drove off going to the hotel. I packed me and Amours bag leaving her some clothes out for when she got back to the hotel. I took a shower and laid across the bed.

I was worried about A, but I knew she had it handled. If this meant ending our time in the game, I knew she especially had it handled.

I called Noel as I knew her little bad ass was at home.

"Hi daddy!"
"Hey baby girl? What you doing?"
"Nothing. Waiting on grandma to make lunch"
"What y'all gonna eat?"
"Sheesh! What LA doing?"
"Playin with Blue"
"Daddy when you and mom coming home?"
"Soon baby girl"
"We want y'all to come home noooooow"
"We got some business to take care of but we'll be there soon"
She sighed "I gotta do homework, I love you daddy"
"I love you too princess"

We hung up. I tossed my phone and stared up at the ceiling until Amour finally comes back to the hotel.

Two niggas down!

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