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"Man nigga, I can't wait to get home to A's cooking!" I told Ty on the phone "All this fast food and shit ain't hitting like her"

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"Man nigga, I can't wait to get home to A's cooking!" I told Ty on the phone "All this fast food and shit ain't hitting like her"

He laughed "Nigga fat as hell. We on the move for money and you worried bout food"

"Didn't you hop on a earlier flight to get back to Talia cause she was cooking" i mentioned

"Nigga she's making my favorite dinner! You think imma miss that shit?!" He said

"You left early from a money meeting to eat. Who the fat ass nigga? Me or you?" I said pulling into the driveway

We chatted for a minute.

"Nigga you with your wife let me go so I can be with mine" i laughed getting my bag out the trunk

We hung up and I went inside. It was spotless, beside some kid shoes and stuff out.

"Babe!" I yelled throwing my bag down

"Upstairs! I'm in the game room cleaning!" She called out

I jogged up the stairs to the game room. She ran and jumped on me like she hadn't seen me in years.

I stumbled "Babe i been a gone a week"

"It's been a long week" She breathes out

I laughed carrying her into our room "Miss me?"

She giggled getting down "Don't I always?"

I smiled "Catch me up. What the kids been on?"

"LA has been himself. He looooves basketball, oh my goodness that's all he wanna do all day. His little preschool teacher said he be balling up the papers and throwing them the trash can"

I chuckled. That's my boy. "What about my princess?"

"Her and this Tik Tok is gonna drive me insaaaane." Amour said laughing "She got a progress report last week and of course she's doing great in school. She loves cheerleading, her dance teacher said she's ahead of the class, and the basketball coach said he preseason workout are great"

We keep the kids busy. We want them so involved they don't even time to fall through the cracks. By the time they're teens they gonna be beast and whatever they trynna do.

"What about you? What's going on in my baby world?" I said grabbing a water bottle out the refrigerator

She smiled "The kids keep me so busy, I haven't had time to breathe, but i enjoy it. They keep me on my toes when your gone. Just wish you were home more"

Amour still clinged to me like she did when we first started kicking it. She's still my lil baby.

I grabbed her waist bringing her close to me "This my last time leaving for awhile. Just be trynna handle some business but i be running to get back to you and the kids."

She smiled "I love you"

"I love you too" i said kissing her "Speaking of the kids, what time we need to be picking them up?"

She looked at her Apple Watch "They get out in two hours. But i figured we'd get them a lil early"

"So i got about a hour?" I said raising my eyebrow

She giggled "Hour and a half if we drive fast"

"I'll put the car in sports mode, let's go" i said scooping her up taking her to our bedroom

One thing about us, even after the marriage and the kids we still get a lot of sex in.

//Hour and some change later//

"Noel has cheer practice today but she has to come home do work, and then she can get on her phone and get ready for practice." Amour said reminding of the kids schedule "LA basketball little practice is right next door. I usually drop Noel off and go with LA cause he's younger and usually is constantly looking for me"

"We'll just split up between the kids. Or i can take them give you a lil break" i said

She smiled "That's so sweet babe, but it's okay"

We stood outside the school office in the hallway waiting for the kids to come up. LA got to us first. Amour was holding his hand as he talked to me about his cartoons and basketball.

"Daddy!" We heard Noel hell

She took off running towards me and jumped in my arms.

"Aye you getting heavy Princess!" I chuckled "I guess you missed me huh?"

Noel nodded smiling climbing off me "Yeah dad! I missed you so much!"

We walked out as I talked to the kids. Once we got in the car we drove off.

"Daddy we gonna go do what we texting about today right?!" Noel said excitedly

Amour side eyed me.

"Well, mom said you have cheer practice today and you gotta do your homework so maybe not today" i said

I looked up the rear view mirror and she had a sad face "I don't wanna go. I wanna go with you"

Noel began whining.

"Noel you better get that whining together quick" amour said looking back "You lucky you even going to today's practice after you ain't clean up nothing I asked you to clean"

I chuckled in my head, she acted just like Mama A when she was in mother mode. It's funny seeing Noel act like a lil Amour and Amour act like Mama A.

Noel crossed her arms and looked out the window. Now, i don't like my princess being upset at me. I drove home and Noel stormed upstairs to her room and LA stayed on my heels.

"Make sure you do that homework up there while you stomping around!" Amour called up the stairs to Noel

"I feel like I'm already raising a teenager" Amour said chuckling "Where the hell does she get that attitude from?"

I laughed "You nigga"

"I was not that bad" she said

I kept laughing "Your right. You were worse"

"Shut up" she said laughing

She said pulling stuff out the refrigerator to cook dinner "What you done promised her you gonna get her now?"

I laughed "What are you talking about?"

"Everytime y'all get together, y'all be plotting" She said "So what's the plot now?"

"She wants a puppy" i said

Amour eyes got wide "A puppy?!"

"Puppppy!" LA cheered

"Rashad why the hell do we need a puppy?" She asked putting her hands on her hips

I shrugged "Seem like the kids would enjoy having one"

"Your such a good dad. They got you wrapped around their fingers" She smiled "But when it starts shitting everywhere, you'll be the one cleaning up"

She turned around and continued to cook. She was right, the kids did have pull on me. I mean I got the money, why not give my kids whatever they want.

My phone rang and I got up answering the call walking out to the backyard as LA followed me.

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