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Let me finish this book and quit fucking with y'all. I  reread this series and it just ain't right leaving yall where I left. Here's the rest of the story.


I had woken up and went for a run

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I had woken up and went for a run. I just wanted to clear my head before coming back to finish the job with Rashad. This is our LAST kill. Our last sticky situation and it's crazy to think where we started from. THIS moment is what we've been waiting for, our real ending. The music i had in my headphones pumped me up even more. I jogged into the hotel waving at the hotel clerk and getting on the elevator as my phone dinged.

R❤️: you good?

I texted him letting him I had made it to the hotel. I had walked inside the room. Gathering my stuff about to take a shower. Just before undressing I realized I didn't have a shower cap and needed to get it out my suitcase. I walked into the living room to retrieve it From my bag.

"Oh shit!" I said clutching my chest "Trip! What the fuck are you doing here?! How'd you get in here!" I took my headphones out my ear

This is why Rashad always fusses with me to either turn my music down or wear one headphone.

"Aye I come in peace" he said throwing his hands up "I thought Rashad would be here"

I leaned on the wall "Nah he's out. Something you need?"

He sighed "Man I'm loosing it Amour"

"I can tell" I said "And I'd wish you find it"

He hung his head down. I sighed sitting down in a chair across from him.

"What's the problem Trip?" I asked

"I don't know. After Rashad and Ty gave me this shit, it was smooth. But I just got in over my head. I couldn't tell them niggas that tho. Then I'd look like a bitch" he explained "I won't ready to run this shit"

"You were on a serious power trip" I told him

He nodded "I was. And i mean Karter was pumping my head up man and the shit just spun out of control before I could get a hold of it. That's why I called ty and Rashad"

He stood up pacing "But then Rashad came and was trynna bitch me"

"He was trying to-"

He cut me off "And and and I can't look like no bitch if I'm running the shit. Especially not in front of my shorty."

"But he's was just trying to-"

"I mean look at Rashad shit, he'd be damned if ANYBODY gonna bitch him in front of you" he continued "I was just trynna be the boss and-"

I cut him off "Trip. Sit."

He did as told.

"Rashad was just trying to help. Though he's very rude and pushy and doesn't know how to talk to people. He really just wanted to help. It's the hustler mentality that makes him so rough around the edges" i explained "He just doesn't want to see something that y'all put y'all blood sweat and tears into go down the drain"

He nodded "And i fucked up. I went in there drunk. Fighting and shit I had so much shit going on with Karter in my ear and all this shit changing"

"Imma just tell you this now, let Karter ass go. First of all, she's a civilian with WAY too much input on shit she don't know nothing about. Second of all, don't no nigga want no bitch that can't be his peace especially when you trynna run some shit like this" i told him

I sat back in my seat "And frankly my dear, Ion like her ass no way"

He chuckled.

"You need to stop walking around feeling bad for yourself like a bitch, get up and get this shit done" I said "The shit already sold to the Columbians but nigga if you can make yo way up their leadership ladder, the shit is unbelievable. But your head gotta be on straight"

I sighed "Now. I know my nigga, and he can hold a grudge. But y'all been boys for too long to let you loosing your mind turn yall against each other when you both just want what's best for the business"

He nodded.

"So get yourself together. Maybe go get a haircut" i squinted "cause that hairline looking a lil raggedy"

"Man fuck yooooou" he chuckled

"Meet me back here in a hour." I told him getting up from the chair

He raised an eyebrow "Why?"

"Just be here" i told him grabbing my shower cap "Show yourself out"

I walked to the bathroom and he was on my heels headed for the door. He swung the door open as I entered the bathroom, i turned grabbing the collar of his shirt.

"Come into my spot without an announcement or invitation again and a few aches and pains from a fight with my Nigga will be the least of your concern" i said with a smile

He shook his laughing as he headed on the door "Yeah ite Amour"

That was a very serious statement.

I showered, put some clothes on, did my hair, and ate my room service. I grabbed my purse and cellphone headed downstairs.

Trip: I'm outside

Punctuality is very appreciated.

I walked outta the hotel lobby up to his car.

"Follow me to the warehouse" i told him

He sighed "Amour Ion think-"

Before he could get his thoughts out I walked away. Ion wanna hear that shit. We going to squash this shit and we're going to do it now.

He followed me to the warehouse I parked on the inside of he course he parked on the outside. I waited for him to walk in.

"Amour Ion think today is the day to be-"

I grabbed his arm dragging him upstairs "Today is as good as any. We could all die today."

I busted in the office pushing him inside.

"Amour!" He said, once he saw Trip with me he raised his eyebrow "What the fuck going on here?"

"I think you two need to talk" i grabbed Ty by the collar of his shirt "Let's go Ty"

"Why i gotta go? These my niggas" He complained

"Cause I said so and if I call Talia it's gonna be a bigger issue" i headed out the door "Now let's go"

I shut the door behind me as I dragged Ty out.

He yanked away from me "We not young no more A! You not gone bully my ass!"

I picked up my phone outta my purse "Okay well Letmme call Talia and see wha-"

"Nah nah I'm just playing A, damn!" He said laughing

That's what I thought.

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