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Jett hummed as he walked around Lia. His eyes were scanning her body up and down, lingering around her hips, taking in every detail. His fingers traced the cloth that was draped loosely around her waist. Lia stood still as a statue as he circled her.

He leaned closer to the tailor after he was done circling Lia, "This is perfect but I want that gem in the front taken off. Its too much."

The lady nodded as she walked forward and began removing the gem that was stitched in the front of Lia's waist. The dress was a dark, almost black, plum color. Its fabric was loose and flowing. To Lia's discomfort, the fabric was tight around her breast, showing their small forms. Fabric hanged off her shoulders that embedded small speckled gems. The sleeves draped down to her knees. She shivered when the wind touched her open shoulders.

"I definitely think that this is more suiting than the blue one." Jett stepped forward again once the woman was finished removing the gem. "This one adds maturity and elegance to your appearance."

He walked around till he was in front of her. With a toothy grin he leaned close to her. Lia restrained from leaning back. She eyed his long fangs once they were inches from her face.

"What do you think?"

The strong smell of copper flooded her nose as he spoke. She could still see a small stain of pink from the drink he held in his hand. She looked down at the dress. Her hands played with handfuls of the soft cloth. Lia blushed when she noticed her belly poking out.

"Whats the occasion?"

Jett pulled away, "My master is passing down his title to another vampire two days from now. I have to attend and I assumed with your good behavior that it would be safe enough to take you." He laughed quietly to himself as he raised his glass to his lips. "You're safe, as long as you behave." He smacked his lips when he finished off the last of the blood in his glass. "Now tell me what you think of the dress."

Its She drew her brows together as she pulled the cloth of the dress. "Its a little too much for my taste."

Jett nodded, "You do seem more like someone who would prefer the casual attire you all humans wear for your silly traditions."

Lia eyes widened at the remark. She wasnt offended by the comment but it took her off guard.

"Now, I need to go over some rules about ceremonies."

He waved his hand as he started to leave the room for her to follow. Lifting up the fabric of the dress, she hopped off the small stand and walked behind him.

He continued to talk, keeping his back to her as he walked. "You better pay attention and remember these rules, because if you embarrass me Ill let everyone attending take a bite of you. "

Jett stopped abruptly in the hall, it was so sudden Lia walked right into his back. As she scramble to create space again, Jett turned and leaned over her.

"The last poor soul who was shared in a ceremony was screaming and crying till she passed out and died halfway through then was left on the floor for the janitors, dried up like a raisin." Jett tilted his head, "We dont want you turning into a raisin now do we?"

Lia shook her head as fast as she could, almost losing her balance as she did.

Good. Jett turned back around and continued walking. "Now let me make you this entrée I saw in a newspaper, I cant eat it but Im dying to taste it."

That was something Lia found strange about this man. He seemed rather fascinated with cooking and would often make meals for her just so he could taste them. If he was disgusted by the food he made, he wouldnt let her have any of it and throw it away. Recently, he has been trying to make meals less fatty.

Her Wendigo Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now