Odd Dreams

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Hola! How are you? I love cats and pocky, also I love being awesome. I'm sadly not more awesome then Prussia, no one is more awesome then Preußen. Happy Valentines Day, you are all my lovers, because I have none.

Chapter Thirty-six


I woke up, by Romano shaking me awake.

"G'morning Roma," I said, stretching and yawning.

"It's-a breakfast time, so-a get your-a ass up," Romano said.

"Carry me," I said, smiling up at Romano, who was standing at the side of the bed.

"Okay," Romano said, well wasn't expecting that... Romano then proceeded to pick me up bridal style and carry me to wherever the hell we were going.

"Gracias Romano," I said, hugging him.

"Yea, yea, what-a-ever, anything for-a you bella ragazza," Romano said, giving me a small smile, and a kiss on the nose, Roma loves me.

"Your so sweet Romano," I said, giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Ve~ Ciao Romano, ciao Atlanta, I-a like your-a hair," Veneziano said, smiling kindly at me.

"Oh yea, pretty cool, I don't know how it happened, but it did," I said, smiling at Veneziano.

"She-a just came home, like-a that," Romano commented.

"Wow, that's-a so cool," Veneziano shouted.

"Sí, it's awesome Veneziano," I said, running my hands through my brown hair.

"Kesesese jou called," a voice sounded, making me squeeze Romano in terror.

"What the crapola, how did-a you even-a get here, you-a damn Beer-bastard," Romano shouted, holding me tighter.

"I heard somevon say awesome, so I answered," Prussia answered, smirking.

"Get out," Romano and I said at the same time.

"Vhat, but jou called," Prussia said, his smirk falling into a shocked look.

Romano put me down on my feet and proceeded to push the Prussian out the room, while letting loose curses.

"So what's for breakfast, Veneziano," I asked, smiling kindly.

"Pancakes," Veneziano said, dragging me to who knows where.

"Yay, pancakes," I said, smiling.

"Here you go," Veneziano said, sitting me down in a seat, and putting a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"Grazie Veneziano," I said, before digging into the pancakes.

"I'm back," Romano said huffing, as he sat next to me, Veneziano put a plate in front of him as well.

Once we ate pancakes, we just sat on our asses all day, watching TV, only getting up to use the bathroom and eat. Man though, it was a lot of fun, just pure relaxation.

"Buenas noches, amor[1]," I said, before Romano and I went to sleep in our shared bed.

"Buona notte, amore[2]," Romano mumbled, before going to sleep.


I watched as a young girl, with curly brown hair and olive green eyes held onto a sword, held threateningly at the throat of another man, who looked like Grandpa Rome.

"Just-a stop fighting, your-a never going to win," Rome said, glaring at the girl, "Give up now and maybe you can be my lover."

"Like I'd fall for an idiot Roman like you," the girl shouted, with a heavy Greek accent, Rome was pointing a sword at her heart.

"Well then, I-a guess I must-a kill you and-a take control over-a your mother's kingdom," Rome said, smirking smugly.

"Never, you can kill me. but don't you dare touch my brother," the girl shouted, her eyes darting to a chibi Greece, who was standing over a women's body.

It was in that moment that the girls concentration flattered, when the sword plunged through her heart. The girl gasped loudly, her sword arched through the air and cut across Rome's cheek, a line of blood immediately forming.

"You will one day die off, just as cruelly as I have," the girl whispered hoarsely, before going limp.

"Sure, like-a that's going to-a happen," Rome said, smugly, as chibi Greece ran over, to I guess his sister and started wailing loudly.

"Please come back, please don't go At-" he was cut off my my dream fading out, as someone shook me awake.

"Hey Atlanta, wake-a up, you-a are crying," Romano said, looking into my eyes.

I touched my cheeks, feeling that he was indeed right. Makes sense that dream was odd...

"What-a were you-a even dreaming about anyways," Romano asked.

"I don't even know," I murmured, looking straight into Romano's eyes.


Oh snappy, what did you think of that chappy! Again happy Valentine's Day, this is your day, even if you don't have a lover, instead buy yourself something!

Greece: Happy Valentines Day, PockyCat doesn't own Hetalia, but she does like cats.

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