Hypocrite call and Canada

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Okay people so it's like my summer now, YESH! But I'm tired (even though I slept for twelve hours) I've been reading a lot of fanfics... that's my life for ya. I don't own Hetalia.

Chapter Seven:


"Don't shout you idiot," the voice aka my friend Tori said into the phone.

"It's my party ima shout if I want to Ima shout if I want-" I was cut off.

"It's not your party, and you can't shout since I declare the rules," Tori said in her supreme ruler voice.

"Uhhh, your not my mom, Tori," I said into the phone.

"Maybe I am your mom, have you ever thought of that," Tori said through the phone.

"Well then.... anyways why did you call me up, I'm eating some scones," I said back.

"Gross how do you digest that food, Halloween is coming up so are we gonna be cosplaying as vocaloid or what?"

"Oh my god, how did I forget, anyways of course we'll be cosplaying, what did you think."

"It's just I heard you left with three 'hunks' as your sister put it. And you have ceased to come back home."

I sweatdropped, what's up with my sister, they were all anime characters, anyways when I did show her Hetalia, she thought it was weird.

"Well, the Japanese one is the only hunky one, the Italian was cute and cuddly, and the German I have no words for..... damn potato bastard," I said making the axis powers and Romano look at me, so waved at them, Italy waved back while Romano bonked Italy's head.

"Oh my fruking ship, you met the axis powers, well in a way, since they were just humans."

"Yep- Hey Eyebrows give me back my phone!" I yelled at England who stole my phone.

"Hello, this is-" England started, but I slammed my hand on his mouth.

"She likes Hetalia," I whispered to him, he nodded in response. I took my hand of Iggy's mouth, and America stole the phone, why is everyone stealing my phone!!!

"You know who else likes Hetalia, my mom!" America shouted into the phone and hung it up, "Hah crisis averted! The hero has saved the day and leveled up!"

"What the actual fuck America," I said probably saying what was on evryone's mind. I went up to America and started patting him on the back, "America I think you've been playing waaaay to much video games and watching Regular show."

"Hey I don't play that much video games," America said frowning.

"Bro, you are like the country of playing video games, let's be real, you play too much video games," I said patting him on the head, just telling him that it's okay.

"Whatever," America said walking away and out the door, well guess America is-, "Oh my god a new Call Of Duty came out (a/n let's pretend a new one came out)!!!!!"

"Holy shiiiiit, this is awesome," I said squealing like a fangirl, "We have to go get it, like the whole world depends on it."

"Hypocrite," I heard Iggy mutter, I turned to him and pulled down my lower eyelid while sticking out my tongue, and followed America out the door.

Of course America and I had to find a Gamestop, if there was even Gamestops in England... there probably was. Once we found one we immediately skipped the long ass line and just showed them some I.D. Which basically meant America have them his I.D. and after proving it was real they let us get the game before all the other motherfuckers.

"Now let's go play this shit," I shouted on the car ride back to Iggy's home.

"Hell yeah dudette," America said holding out his hand obviously for a brofist, that is if he's a fabulous Pewdiepie fan, like myself.

We walked inside and noticed that the only people that were left, was the axis and Canada... wait when the fuck did Canada get here?

"Hi Canada," I said sitting next to the said country. He looked at me in shock and before he could ask I said, "Yes I can see you."


Done I'm tired and lazy okay you should be happy for this MoThER FuCKiNg MiRiCaL!

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