Partners and Candy

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I like Germany's songs Ich Liebe and Vorwärts Marsch, a lot... I can't stop listening to them. Remember to support Doitsuism!

Chapter Twenty-Three


The bell rang, signaling that I had Literature next, with England, America, France, Italy China and Prussia. Well this doesn't sound to good, I mean America and England in literature together... yea let's see how this plays out.

"Hey frau, so I hear ve have Literature next," Prussia said, whilst slinging his arm around my shoulder.

"Ja, Gilbert, now let's go," I said, walking down the hall, with the 'Awesome' Prussia's arm around my shoulder.

"So mon ami, who do you like," France said, slinging his arm around my shoulders, as well.

"You bloody wankers, can't you see that your bothering her," Iggy-Igs said, pulling me away from them.

"They actually weren't being bothersome," I said to the English man.

"Well alright, but if the frog ever bothers you, you can come to me for help," Iggy said, eying Francey-pants.

"Ve~ Ciao bella, looks like I-a found you," An Italian accent sounded behind me, as I got glomped from behind.

"Hey Feli, good to see you again," I said, turning myself around and hugging him back.

"Let's go to class, before we're late," England said, breaking me and Feli's touching reunion.

"Okay Mr. Tsunderebrows," I said, before taking Feli's hand and skipping down the hall, to Literature.

"Gits, slow down," Iggy said, with Prussia and Francey-pants walking behind him.

"Hey dudette," America said, coming up to me as well.

"Yo Alfie," I said, smiling at him.

"I brought Yao," America said, lifting up the Chinese man, who was yelling at him.

"Alfred Freedom Jones, put Yao down this instant," I said to America.

"You sound like a mom," America said, putting down Yao.

"Thank you aru," China said to me, handing me some candy, yum candy.

"Your welcome Yao," I said, popping the candy in my mouth, "Also, Al don't talk back to me."

"Dude, what the fuck," Alfred said, before we walked into class, just as the bell rang.

"Oh look, some of the new students," Ms. Filla said, smiling, "Thanks for bringing them here Atlanta."

"Your welcome," I said, still eating the candy, that China-aru gave me.

"Introduce yourselves, c'mon don't be shy," Ms. Filla said, to the boys.

"I'm not shy, I'm zhe awesome Gilber Beilschimdt, vhy vould I be shy," Prussia asked.

"Well you hadn't introduced yourself yet," Ms. Filla replied.

"Bonjour, I'm Francis Bonnefoy," France said, smiling.

"I am Arthur Kirkland," England said.

"I am Alfred F. Jones, nice to meet ya," America said, smiling.

"I'm Yao Wang, aru," China said, then handed me another candy.

"Ciao~ I'm-a Feliciano Vargas, but-a feel free to call-a me Feli," Feliciano said, to them with his usual closed eyed smile.

"Well nice to meet you all, please sit in any open seat," Ms. Filla said.

I hurried to my seat, which was in the exact middle. And Italy, sat next to me, and so did China. France, America, and Prussia all sat in the back, while Iggy sat in front.

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