Pasta with Romano

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Read my Homestuck fanfic if you like Homestuck! Just thought to add that in there....

Chapter Twenty- five


"So how did you guys get in here so fast," Spain asked, as we were in the limo waiting to arrive at America's.

"Because I'm awesome, nothing more nothing less," I told Spain, the turtle man.

"I'm awesomer," Prussia said back.

"Come again, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my awesomeness," I told Prussia smirking.

Romano's POV

Dumb bastardo leave me out of this!

Italy- chan's POV

Ve~ As Atlanta and Prussia started fighting over who was more awesome, Romano was staring at Atlanta.

He totally likes her!

Mi fratello can't hide it from me, and I swear if anything gets in the way of there love I will hurt them.

"Ve~ guys don't-a fight, when we-a get back I'll even make-a some pastaaaaaa," I shouted, smiling with my eyes closed, like always.

"Yay pastaaaaaaaa," Atlanta said looking excited.

"Si, you can even-a help out," I told her, "And mi fratello as-a well."

"Yay, this will be so much fun right Roma," Atlanta said, bouncing up and down, tugging on mi fratello's arm.

"Yea, yea what-a-ever just let-a go of me, ragazza," Romano said to Atlanta.

I think Atlanta likes Roma as well, they'd make such a cute couple as well.

I just hope Atlanta realizes it, she doesn't seem to right now.

"Okay we're here dudes," America said, as Atlanta rushed out the car dragging Roma and I behind her.

"Let-a go of me," Romano shouted as Atlanta neared the door.

"Dudette I still have to unlock it," America said, jogging up.

"Then move your fat booty up here," Atlanta said, smiling.

America opened the door, and Atlanta rushed in both Romano and I still in her clutch.

"Now time to make pasta," Atlanta shouted as we neared the kitchen.

As we started making the pasta I left to go see Doitsu, leaving the two of them alone.

Romano's POV

I watched as Atlanta got started with the sauce, humming slightly. I put the water on the stove setting it to a boil.

"Hey Roma, where'd Ita-chan go," Atlanta asked suddenly, jerking me out of my thoughts.

I looked around and saw indeed my brother was gone, and the little bastardo did it on purpose too. After all he knows that I have a crush on Atlanta, he kept looking at me to Atlanta, then waggling his eyebrows at me.

"Probably went to-a hang out with-a that dumb potato-bastardo," I growled, as I said potato-bastardo.

"Hehe probably Roma," Atlanta said giggling, she was so beautiful, so bella.

"Want me to help you with the sauce," I asked.

"Sure, you can... Be my taste tester," she said grinning, and getting a little sauce for me to try.

"I can-a hold the-a spoon," I said as the spoon with sauce neared closer and closer to my mouth.

"No I want to feed it to you," Atlanta said, pouting .

"Fine," I said sighing, and opening my mouth.

She shoved the soon in my mouth for me to try, she made the sauce perfect.

"It tastes delicious," I told her taking the spoon out of my mouth.

"Okay I'm gonna try now," Atlanta said, taking the spoon and trying some sauce. From. The. Same. Spoon. That was totally an indirect kiss.

"Well, the-a pasta should be-a done soon, just need to-a add in the-a spaghetti," I told her taking out a box and adding it in to the water.

"Oh yay," Atlanta said, smiling, "And the sauce tastes perfect, I'm gonna tell the others it's almost time to eat."

"Yea, yea whatever," I replied eyes on the pasta.

Atlanta left and I sighed, before hearing 'Aight bitches time to eat!' I started to laugh a little. She really is something, that's why I have a crush on her.

I finished the pasta and set it on the table where they were all waiting patiently.

"Yea, yea serve yourself," I told them, taking some pasta and putting it in a bowl that was on the table.

We all dug in to the pasta, and it tasted delicious.

"Thith ith good guyth," America said, his mouth full.

"Hai, I must agree, this is very good," Japan said, giving a small smile.

"Atlanta made the-a sauce, I just made-a the noodles," I told them, eating the pasta.

"Werr this is very good Atranta-chan," Japan told Atlanta, who smiled in return.

Atlanta's POV

"I'll clean the dishes, since you guys cooked," Italy said, after we finished cleaning.

"Kay, grazie Veneziano," I said, to Ita-chan, deciding to call him Veneziano.

I headed up to my room, not realizing Romano was behind me, until he spoke up.

"Hey-a bella," Romanoa said, 'bella' that's new, also how'd this mofo get behind me so fast.

"Yea ninja Roma," I said turning around.

"Well, I uh.... I-a wanted to-a say something," Tomato face said, rubbing the back of his neck, he looked like strawberries, or tomatoes.

"Si, what is it Romano," I asked, smiling at him, making the strawberry cheeks darken.

"Ti amo," Romano said, shocking me, before he kissed me on the lips and sprinted away.


So zhis chapter is done now losers! Enjoy and kick England in his unawesome balls! Auf Wiedersehen losers!

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