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By the title you can probably already imagine how weird this chapter is gonna be, if you like Homestuck check out that fanfic that I'm making. If you like Harry Potter then you shall like the song that I inserted, if I can get it to work. Also today is my birthday!

Chapter Twenty-seven


At America's words we set off, we went to some room that I never knew he had with roof to floor windows and a giant pool in the middle and a Jacuzzi in the corner.

"Whoo! Pool," I shouted jumping in, to the pool.

"Wait for me dude," America called after me, and jumped in behind me.

"Zhe awesome one," Prussia shouted jumping in.

"Ve~ Pasta," Italy shouted, jumping in as well.

Everyone shouted different catchphrases, and we (Prussia, France, America, Spain and I) kept jumping back in with different catchphrases.

"Oh cod this is so much fun," I shouted splashing around.

"Dude, did you just say cod," America asked, snickering.

"Yes, do you havve a problem wwith that," I asked in an Eridan voice, Homestuck forever.

"Great Eridan impression," America said, as we swam around.

"Hey guys, wanna have a chicken fight," I asked a smirk plastering my awesome face.

"Ja, let's totally do zhat," Prussia said, grinning.

"Alright we all need partners," I said, pulling out my wand from the waistband of the swim trunks.

"Accio hat," I shouted, and a hat flew into my hands, England started smirking at the words I used.

"You read Harry Potter," England asked, a happy smile on his-her face.

"Yes, of course I do my friend I said," as I also conjured some slips of paper and a hat, "Now everyone write your name on these slips of paper."

And so everyone did, and I counted out the slips we had twelve, perfect attendance! I took six out the called up for the axis, plus Prussia, Romano and Spain. They are the destined ones to choose their partners.

"Aight so your gonna get a partner and no complaining," I told the axis plus others.

So they choose and Germany and Russia, Italy and America, Spain and England, Romano and France, Prussia and I, Japan and China.

"So we are the awesome people and we shall beat your asses," I shouted at the opposing people grinning along with Prussia.

"I'm on top," Prussia said immediately, without hesitation.

"Ah so your seme, I should have known," I said, Japan who was near us with China, almost choked on some magic tea.

"Vhat zhe hell zhose zhat mean," Prussia asked, confused.

"Ask someone else buddy," I said to Prussia patting him/her on the back, "Now get on my back, I guess I'll be uke."

So we played and Prussia and I won as expected, cause we were team awesome.

"Guys I have a fairly good idea," I said aloud as I was drying myself off.

"What is it," England asked.

"I think we should make a school for countries," I announced.


Happy late Halloween and happy birthday to me!

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