Flying Mint Bunny an elf and scones

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Hello again my friends as you can tell I'm extremely odd. *laughs like a pixie* I don't own Hetalia!

Chapter Six:


"Wow, awesome place you got Iggybrows," I said, getting out of the jet and walking on pavement, ooooo,"This airport is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

"No, you bloody git, I'm just stating, 'welcome to London,'" Iggybrows said

"Hey England, when we go to your place I better get some tea," I threatened, smirking.

"I feel like you think you're saying a threat, but I was just gonna make you some tea anyways," Iggy said rolling his eyes, and leading me out of the airport... and straight into a limo, with the lisence plate that said 'KirkandRules'... not even gonna ask England, not even gonna.

"Yay, I get tea," I said getting a faraway look in my eyes as I sat in the limo. For the rest of the ride I daydreamed of swimming in tea... don't ask okay.

"Oi, brat, stop your bloody daydreaming, we're here," Iggybrows said while pointing to a mansion, a nice mansion as well, pretty mansion.

"I wonder what America's mansion looks like," I pondered, while getting out of the car.

"It's red, white and blue, with stars and stripes" Iggy said while opening the door and let me say he's got some pretty high tech stuff. He had like a thing that would scan his finger, one to scan his eye and one to scan his face. Well Iggy it seems your afraid of the frog coming in your house to rape you.

"So it's the American Flag," I said cocking my head to the side while walking inside the Iggy mansion.

"Yes, exactly that damn wanker, thinks he's a lot more then he is," England said to you as he went to the kitchen, with me following behind him.

He put water on the stove, and boiled it while getting together a teapot, a strainer, a tea spooner thing, and the tea leaves. once the water was boiled he put in the strainer in the teapot, then put in three spoonfuls of leaves and then the water, after five minutes, he grabbed two cute little tea cups,and pours us some tea.

Right when I tasted it I was in heaven, I knew that British people could make tea, but wow! This is the best tea I've ever tasted!

"England, this is by far the best tea I've ever tasted," I said to him downing the rest of my tea causing him to sweat drop.

"Thank you, now it's time for you to go to bed," England said while grabbed your bags which he left in the hallway area that we came in and lead me to my room.

The room he assigned me had a flat screen, a nice king sized bed, with the Union Jack bed sheets, and a door most likely leading to and en suite.

"Cool bedroom, thanks Iggy," I said, as he put my bags on the bed.

"Your welcome, now get cleaned up and go to bed," Iggy says before leaving.

"Yes mother," I said just as he was gone.

I got my pajamas from my bag and went into the other room which turned out to be an en suite, I was right.

•~•~•~~•~•one nice hot shower later•~•~~•~•~•

After my shower, and after I got dressed in some looney tunes pajamas, I started up my laptop. And I thought to myself, "What shall I do." and them it hit me I can work on my Hetalia fanfiction. So I got to work and managed to complete a few more chappies and put them up.

So an hour or so later, I fell into sleep after reading a few hetalia fanfictions.

•~•~•~•~•~•one sleep later•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•

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