Epic Rap Battle of States

147 13 5

Hehe I have writers block, so sorry if this is garbage.

Chapter Forty-six


"Alright well-a first we need to-a go to this-a meeting," Seborga said, sighing.

"Well then let's go to it," I said, and so off we headed with Germany leading us to a meeting room.

Once we got in we all sat down, for some reason America wasn't there. Germany mentioned something about states and that America was excused.

The meeting continued, Germany had to yell at two girls to wake up, apparently they were Slovakia and Czech Republic. I decided I would talk to those two after the meeting was over. So they continued to blab on, while Veneziano drew pictures and showed them to each other, Seborga joined in and I convinced Romano to join. Once the meeting finished I told Romano that I needed to do something he nodded and let me go.

Once I reached the two girls I noticed how similar they looked, besides the difference in hair and eye color. It also seemed the magic trio were conversing with them.

"Heeeeeey you guys are the Czech Republic and Slovakia, right," I said, smiling at the two.

"Oh hello Atlanta, yes they are Czech and Slovakia, they're human names are Vera Bosko and Lucia Bosko," England said pointing at both the girls, so I guess they were sisters.

"Well nice to meet you two finally, I saw you at the conferences, but never decided to talk," I said, which was the truth, I saw them before, just never bothered with them, till now.

"Kay then, we'll be hanging out with these three if you don't mind," Czech said, grabbing Slovakia's hand and tugging her forward and past the three boys.

"Sorry," Slovakia said, waving at the confused me, but when I noticed Czech grab Norway's arm, my eyes sparkled, does Norway possibly have a girlfriend?

"Norway did you get a girlfriend," I asked, shaking Norway.

"Nei," Norway said, making me laugh nervously, oops....

"Oh well that makes sense now that I think about it, heh sorry," I said, before running over to Romano and Veneziano.

"Why were-a you talking-a to those-a two," Romano asked.

"I was just curious," I said, shrugging.

"Alright well-a come on, we-a have to go to-a the school, get our-a shit and then-a go to the entrance ceremony or-a some shit like that," Romano said.

"Alright let's go," I shouted.

"Whoo party," a certain Prussian shouted, before lifting me up and over his shoulder.

"Aww heeeeeellllllssss yes," I shouted, fist pumping the air.

"Oh god," I heard Germany mutter.

"What's wrong with-a you two," Romano asked, raising a brow.

"Lots of things," Both Prussia and I said, before snickering.

"Jou have to ride vith France, Spain and I," Prussia said.

"Oh I will," I said, smirking, Prussia put me down and we went to find the Frenchie and the Spaniard.

"Bonjour Atlanta," France said smiling at me.

"Hola Atlanta," Spain said smiling as well.

"Guten tag," I said grinning widely, "So I guess we're leaving together."

"Zhis is gonna be fun," France said, doing his signature laugh.

"Hell yea it is, now lets go to this school," I shouted.

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