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Hehehehe! I just thought I'd write that, I'm bored and listening to Mozart, cause I'm a nerd and it helps me relax. It's my inspiration music.... god I am weird. Anyways story!

Chapter Twenty-One


I woke up to the sound of a crash, and saw the chair that had been holding Switzerland, at one point, had tipped over and America was in the doorway....

"Hey dudette," America shouted at me, making me flinch, "Now c'mon it's breakfast time!"

"Noooooooo, five more minutes," I whined stuffing my head into the pillow.

"Dudette you still need to put the spell on your friends, while they're still asleep," America reminded me.

"Oh yea, that's right," I said rushing out of the chair and going to where my friends were.

Tori was passed out in the bathtub, Mike was passed out on the couch, Peter was passed out in America's hot tub.... and Mel was passed out in a.... TARDIS!?!

"Well I'm gonna do a spell to make it all seem like a dream," I said to America, who nodded and left after gathering all of them together.

"I'll help with it," "Me too," Voices said behind me, it turned out to be, Romania and Norway.

"Okay there's four of them, to make it equal we need one more, and England probably has a hangover," I said to the two, which nodded.

"We can still do this, we have finely tuned skills," Norway said with his stoic expression.

"Okay, so we pool our magic together," I said, they just nodded and I took out a spell book and found the right spell, "Right, here guys."

We did the spell and then sent them home, I stretched grabbed my book and headed back upstairs. Then plopped back on the chair and went back to sleep, or I tried, but Switzerland woke me up.

"C'mon it's time for breakfast, there are pancakes, waffles, sausage, eggs and bacon," Switzy said bribing me.

"You had me at waffles," I said shooting up and grabbing some clothes, before going into the bathroom.

I swiftly changed into a pair of dark red jeans, a My Chemical Romance t-shirt and some black converses. I brushed my teeth and did my hair to the side, with the ahoge sticking out.

"I'm done," I shouted bursting out the door, I saw a sleepy Liechtenstein rubbing her eyes.

"Hallo, do you have anything I can change into," Liechtenstein asked, I nodded and went into the closet.

I grabbed one of the many dresses the Poland got me, it was pink with white floral designs, and had a layer of poof. Liechtenstein smiled at the dress and left to get changed.

"So do you want to stay with my sister and I, for the next country swap," Switzerland asked, looking in my direction.

"Ya sure, sounds awesome," I said smiling, then muttered under my, "It was my first kiss."

"I didn't catch that last part," Switzerland said leaning close to my face.

"It was my first kiss," I said loud enough for him to hear.

"It's okay, it was mine as well, believe it or not," Switzerland said, making is both sit there in awkward silence.

"I'm done, do I look cute," Liechtenstein asked coming out of the bathroom, and breaking the awkwardness.

"Awww, you look adorable," I shouted glomping her.

"D-Danke Atlanta," Liechtenstein replied smiling, as I let her go from the glomp.

The Beautiful World (A Hetalia Fanfic) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now