Family Problems

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"Uh dad meet Romano, Romano meet Poseidon or rather Neptune, my dad," I said, nervously.

"You mean to tell me your dad is a god," Romano asked.

"Yes," Poseidon said, then whispered to me, "I don't like him."

"The others told me to break up with him," I whispered back.

"Ah, I agree with them," Poseidon whispered back.

"Will you-a two stop-a whispering about me," Romano said, making both Poseidon and I jump.

"Well uh, I-i kinda have to, um, w-well," I said, Poseidon held up my hand cutting me off.

"My daughter doesn't want to date you anymore she likes the Norwegian guy better," Poseidon said.

"Why Norway," I asked.

"Well I've met him, he seems like a nice boy," Poseidon said.

"I choose my own hand in marriage," I said with a crappy Scottish accent.

"Calm down Merida, your ex-boyfriend is crying," Poseidon said.

Looking over at Romano I saw he was right, there were tears streaming out his eyes.

"Y-you-a know, I-a thought you-a were different, but I-a guess not," Romano said, before leaving.

"Hey stop crying," Poseidon said, whipping away tears that were coming down my own face, without my notice.

"I don't think I can," I said, submerging into the water, and sitting at the deep end.

Poseidon joined me and rubbed my back silently. Once I felt okay enough I resurfaced.

"Alright kid you need to get to class and your bags all wet as well as your clothes and hair, I'll see you later, I expect you to join the swim team after all," Poseidon said, smiling.

"Kay, bye dad," I said, before drying myself and my bag return everything back to perfect condition and fixing my eyes so it wouldn't look like I was crying.

"So you broke up with Romano, huh," a familiar Spanish accent said, as I exited the pool room.

"Yes, I did," I replied looking over at Spain.

"You look like merde, mon ami," France said, chuckling sadly.

"Really," I asked.

"Ja, jour hair looks like shit," Prussia said.

"Just great," I said pulling out a mirror and fixing my hair magically.

"You know Atlanta, I'm always availab-," Prussia was cut off by France elbowing him in the stomach, he still finished what he was saying, "For a drink or two."

"Oh whoops, thought you were going to say something perverted," Francis said, causing me to laugh slightly.

"Says France," Spain said, rolling his eyes.

"Well I'm gonna go now," I said.

"Bye Atlanta." the three said, as I headed to class.

Heading back to class, I popped in some earbuds and started playing Marina and The Diamond Electra Heart album.

"Got a figure like pinup, got a figure like a doll," I sang along to the words, walking back into Math, everyone stared at me awkwardly.

"Your late," Switzerland said.

"No, she had permission to leave," Athena said.

"Vhat, zhat's so unfair," Prussia said, wait, what the fuck, I swear this little bitch has magic.

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